Chapter 13

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By the time I had gotten home from the gym in was around 11. I had treated my stab wound my cleaning it and wrapping it tightly. It would do for now, but I knew I would probably need stitches. I was dreading entering the house, thinking about just crashing in my car, but I knew it was inevitable I would need to talk to Klaus. I should just get it over with. I slowly dragged myself into the house and upstairs into my room, closing the door quietly and slowly, but painfully stripping out of my clothing. I heard a quiet wrap of a fist knocking on my door. I knew it was Klaus. He wouldn't be asleep at this hour, as I had hoped. I finished putting on my shirt before opening the door. The look of guilt and sadness that shrouded Klaus' face made me need to throw up. My body immediately went hot with the guilt I made him feel. We said nothing, staring at eachother. Klaus suddenly rushed forwards, is body slamming against mine. I grunted from the pain, but when he moved to pull away, I just held on to him tighter. One hand in his curls, the other was wrapped tightly around his shoulders, I breathed in his scent, which smelt like alcohol and weed, but I shook it off because this was Klaus.

"Diego I'm so sorry about this morning, I-I, I didn't mean to hurt you. And I don't want you hating me. I'm so-" I cut him off, pulling away from his, but holding his shoulders so he wouldn't be able to move away from me. "Don't blame yourself Klaus. I shouldn't of ran." I took a big deep breathe. Processing feelings was difficult for me. I never talk about how I feel. "I was scared. Abut talking to you. I didn't want you to see me any differently." Klaus gave a small smile. "You don't have to be afraid of that Diego. Ever. I'm always going to be here for you." I smiled and went in for another hug, but doubled over in pain. I could feel Klaus tense up. "Diego? what happened? are you okay?" He helped me over to my bed, helping me lie down, and putting pillows behind my head. He sent me a panicked look and I grunted, liting up my shirt and showing the badly wrapped area. Klaus immeaditaly went into medic mode, running out of the room, and then a minute later showing up with a med kit. He helped me take off my shirt, and I felt self conscious. he started fixing the whound, not speaking. I graoned every once and awhile, otherwise It was quiet, but knew he wanted answers.

"I got paid. To go into a fight in the ring. Make some extra cash. The other guy had a knife." Klaus shook his head in disbelief, I sent a weak smile in his direction. We were both quiet, and I knew I should speak up, but the fear inside me was so hot, it burned my insides. My hands were shaking, and I was sweating. I closed my eyes, taking in a breath, trying to ground myself. I didn't want Klaus to see my like this. I don't want to be weak. I'm supposed to be strong. When I opened my eyes Klaus was already looking at me. His face showed no emotion, but I could see it in his eyes that he was worried. He was kneeling on the floor, beside my bed, and I patted the mattress, signifying him to sit on the bed. He agreed, standing up and sitting beside me, not sparing a word. I took another breath before finally speaking.

"After...Ben, we all broke up. Stopped talking. Did stuff on our own, not as a family, I felt like it was my fault. Like I should of been the one to save Ben. I couldn't even keep our family together. I started off just dong illegal fighting. Fighting people with knives, brass knuckles, anything that wasn't in regular fighting. It took my mind away from our family, but it didn't always stop it. I started going back to being the kraken, trying to save people the way I couldn't save ben. Rescuing people made me feel like he was still alive and always with me, having my back, like we were still a family. But then Luther went to the moon, because he was dads favourite, so he got the best life from him. Allison became famous, got married, had a kid, five was gone, vanya was vanya, and you would disappear for weeks at a time. I felt so useless and worn out. Eventually it became too much, and you've seen the scars. I tried to hang myself, after you overdosed, about a year back. I was scared that I lost you, just like I lost Ben. But I'm still here. I'm still kicking." I took a breath, proud that I didn't stutter, and proud that I finally spoke up. Klaus had tears in his eyes.

"Diego...I didn't know." I smiled.

"Its okay. No one did. I'm good at hiding it."

"You're not alone in the world. I may of been shitty before, but I'm here for you Di. I don't want you to go through this alone." After that we hugged for what seemed like forever, until eventually Klaus fell asleep on my chest. I smiled, brushing his hair off of his forehead, before kissing it softly.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you Klaus. Never."

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A/N: super sorry it took forever to get out, ive been really stressed with life and school, but here it is! Sorry its short but I wanted it to be just this talk. Next chapter will be longer.

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