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    She climbs up each board against the tree; tears streaming out of her eyes and heart shattering into a million of pieces. This place is her safe haven, the place she, her new sister, and her new father created.

    Should she even call the little devil her sister? That girl has been nothing but mean. She plays cool around their parents but says hurtful things when they're alone. Who is she kidding, they've always argued and made up, because that's what siblings do right? However, Emma Swan did not feel like a sister. Even if she's never had a sister Regina knows that this isn't what a sister should make her feel like. What does she feel?

"Regina? Are you up there?" A voice calls out to her. The brunette quickly sniffles and wipes away her tears. She peers out of the treehouse window to find her new father looking up to her with a very concerned look on his face. It's heart warming. None of her mother's boyfriends ever acted like they cared. Not even once.

     Without invitation, Leo climbed into the treehouse to find Regina balled up in a corner next to the computer desk that he also managed to build.

"What's gotten the queen so down?" He asks kindly. Regina peered up at him for a quick moment and brung her knees to her chest due to feeling too exposed to the man.

      "Emma...hates me." She hiccuped and rubbed at her nose. Leo couldn't help but pull his step daughter in close, removing the thick curls from her face.

"Emma doesn't hate you Reg...she's just not good with opening up. Things like that."

       "But does she have to be..so...infuriating?" Leo was thoroughly surprised that the 9 year old used such a big word perfectly but let Regina vent out her feelings nonetheless. "She keeps picking at me because she thinks I'm trying to steal you away from her and she wants to run me out."

"That is a problem..." Leo sighs. He couldn't help how heavy his heart felt. If Regina and Emma couldn't get along then it would definitely be hard for he and Cora to stay together long term. He wanted that. He loved her and loved Regina just as much as he loves Emma. "I'll tell you what, I'll talk to Emma and then maybe you two could sit down and handle the problems huh? I'll be right there okay."

    Regina reluctantly nodded her head and let Leo guide her to a family intervention. One that they all had at least once a month now.

~Regina's POV~

   I cling to mom's arm, happily skating beside her as we watch dad and Emma skate ahead. Dad brung his video camera of course. Since Emma's such a great ice skater, she's just showing off to the camera, letting her small body glide gracefully across the slippery floor.

"Aren't they adorable?" Mom chuckles. I nod my head in agreement and let out a soothed hum once my face comes into contact with mom's shoulder.

    Staring at Emma and fantasizing has reminded me of a topic that I have been reluctant to bring up. I know that it probably doesn't matter now, but I still want to know for the future. I want to know for my mentality's sake.

"Hey mom?" I question nervously. Mom taps my hand and looks over to me.

     "Yes my dear? What is it?"

"If I were...If I were to have unprotected sex, would I make a baby?" I simply blurt just for the hell of it. My mom's entire body tenses. She clears her throat and tries to mentally wrap my question around her mind.

    "Why would you be having unprotected sex Regina? I've raised you better than that." She frowns at me. I take a quick glance at Emma in the distance to find her looking at me curiously.

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