Childhood Friends-BakugouxMidoriya

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School had gone by agonisingly slowly for the two boys Izuku and Katsuki, the two teens had been been dating for a good three months and they've managed to keep it a secret from the other students. Saturday was finally over and everyone was starting to file out of the academy to hang out with their parents, but Bakugou purposely waited for Midoriya to finish class and dragged him to the dorms.

Midoriya smirked, knowing fully well what the blonde wanted, and watched as he locked the door before pinning him against it. He held his arms above his head hungrily pressing his lips to Katsuki's. The taller boy didn't hesitate to kiss back, their lips moving in sync as Midoriya slipped his tongue into the other's mouth. Bakugou let out a small groan, losing dominance to the greenette. Izuku pulled away, swatting the string of salvia away. "I fucking love you, Deku." The greenette smiled, innocently kissing his cheek. "I love you too, now get on the bed." Katsuki obeyed, moving to the bed as he pulled his blazer and shirt off discarding them onto the floor.

Midoriya straddled the blonde, doing the same to his clothes before pushing Katsuki down onto the bed, their lips connecting once more. Katsuki bucked his hips upwards as Midoriya teasingly grinded his ass over the taller boys growing bulge. The greenette trailed his hands down Katsuki's muscles before slipping a hand down into his boxers slowly stroking him. The ash blonde moaned into the kiss, his hips bucking upwards once more as Midoriya started to jack him off, their lips separating for a second. "F-fuck~ Izu, m-more~" His lips brushing against Izuku's as he spoke before being brought into another kiss, his hand speeding up on his strokes until the boy beneath him bucked his hips forward for the last time before cumming with a loud moan.

"Kacchan~ undress for me, baby~" The blonde didn't need to be asked twice nodding as he quickly pulled his pants and soiled boxers off throwing them to the side. Midoriya watched with a smirk before lifting the boy's chin with his thumb. "I want you to watch me~" Katsuki nodded, as Izuku smiled unzipping his pants and throwing his boxers aside. He bit his bottom lip, straddling the taller boy, one of his hands dancing down to his own crotch as he started to stroke himself. He bent over to his ear, huskily moaning into it as Katsuki shivered. He pulled away, sitting on the bed beside him, not stopping his hand from moving up and down on his hard on, the blonde's dick was getting hander by the sight.

Izuku soon came onto the bed, before he crawled over to Katsuki, and reached over to his bedside table pulling out a bottle of lube. He squirted some onto his palm lubing up his fingers as Katsuki layed back, his eyes watching Midoriya's every move. He let out a soft grunt as Izuku slid two fingers into him, starting to pump them in and out of him. "I-Izu~ I n-need you~" The greenette smirked inserting a third digit stretching him out fully before he lubed up his own dick and lined himself up. "Ready, Baby~?" Katsuki eagerly nodded as the dominant teen pounded into him thrusting at a fast speed. Moans slipped out of the taller boy's mouth as Izuku groaned his eyes closing. "S-so tight~" Katsuki let out a soft hum, grinding back onto Izuku's dick. "H-h ah~ arder~"

The greenette smirked, pulling out and slamming as far and as fast as he could into him. The blonde let out a loud moan, his head falling back as his hands gripped onto the bedsheets. "T-tHere~!" His voice cracked as he moaned, but Izuku just smirked thrusting roughly into the same spot hitting his prostate each time causing the boy beneath him to grab onto his back, his nails leaving scratch Mark's down it but that just turned Izuku on more. "B-b- ah~ baby~" He leaned down, his jaw biting down onto his shoulder the taller boy beneath him let out a scream of pleasure his hips grinding back against him.

The two boys moaned, Katsuki came once Izuku hit his prostate once more causing Midoriya to lightly chuckle. "I-I'm c-cl ah~ close~" Katsuki groaned, his nails digging deep into his flesh, small trickles of blood ran down his back as Izuku continuing to thrust into him soon cumming deep in the blonde's ass. The greenette slowly pulled out of him, laying beside him. "I love you~" The blonde turned his head to him, smiling. "Love you too, dumbass."

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