If it isn't rough it isn't fun- (KamiBaku)

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Kaminari sat at his desk, his pen tapping the woods as he groaned slamming his head down onto the table. Studying, the worst thing in history especially when you had the attention span of a two year old. He pouted, looking up to the clock, school had finished an hour or so ago, so he had nothing to do. A knock at his door caused him to jump, nearly falling off of his chair as his words tumbled out of his mouth. "C-come in!" He internally cursed at himself for stuttering, as he looked back down at his desk. A soft click was heard as the door locked, hands were placed on his shoulders with a small kiss on the nape of his neck.

"Hey babe, what are you doing~?" The yellow blonde, giggled as Bakugou kissed his neck. "Attempting to study, why~?" The explosive blonde let out a hum, bit down making a teeth mark. "I was wondering if you would like to relieve some tension, I've noticed how you've being a lot more stressed lately~" His lips brush against his ear, before he bit the ear lobe, licking it afterwards. Kaminari shivered, turning his head to the more dominant Male, gently lifting his chin and pressed his lips against his. Bakugou kissed back, his tongue sliding into his mouth without a second thought, Kaminari melted in his grasp feeling himself being picked up.

He was thrown onto the bed, Bakugou straddling him with his legs on either side of his hips, their lips connecting once more. The smaller teen groaned, gripping onto his shoulders as Bakugou started to grind against him. "D-Da ah~ Daddy~ I need y-you~" The blonde chuckled, slipping a hand into Kaminari's boxers stroking his hard cock. "Ah~ f-faster~!" The taller boy continued to jerk him off for a few more minutes before pulling his hand away causing Kaminari to whimper at the loss of touch. "Do you want Daddy, baby boy~?" The yellow-blonde eagerly nodded, causing Bakugou to chuckle pulling off his tank top discarding it on the floor. He bucked his hips, grinding against the smaller boy, earning moans from the two.

Kaminari let out a small whine, as Bakugou pulled his shirt off throwing it aside. Their hips roughly grinding against one another's as the taller boy pulled away after a few minutes. "Get up." Kaminari didn't hesitate to scramble up from the bed, watching as Bakugou pulled his jeans off throwing them aside. "Undress for me~" Kaminari quickly undressed as Bakugou did the same, he was then pinned to his desk three fingers stuck in front of his mouth. He got the hint right away and started to suck on his three fingers.

Bakugou slipped his fingers out of his wet cavern, gently groping his ass with his spare hand before slapping the plump skin. "G-Gah~! D-Daddy~!" The blonde smirked, thrusting his wet fingers into his backside, Kamianri arched his back letting out a loud moan. "Remember the safe word, baby~?" Denki quickly nodded, his tongue caught as he bucked his hips back onto his fingers. "I- I want y-you~ Daddy~!" Bakugou chuckled, thrusting his fingers deep into him, Kaminari's hole swallowing them with ease as he started to scissor the moaning boy. "I know, but I need to make sure I don't hurt you too much, baby~"

He pulled his fingers out, lining himself up. "Are you sure~?" The smaller boy eagerly nodded, just to be thrusted into, his hips hit the desk as his head swung back. "Y-yes~ Daddy~!" Bakugou chuckled, grabbing a handful of his hair the other hand on the smaller boy's hips as he started to pound into him. Moans escaped Kaminari's lips as he bucked his hips backwards onto Bakugou in sync with his thrusts. "F-fuck~ You're so tight~!" Bakugou let out a groan, bending the boy over further, his chest flat against the desk as he thrusted into him. Kaminari grunted, his desk banging against the wall at each thrust, but there was nothing he could do about that. He felt his backside clench as Bakugou ran a hand down his side letting go of his hip. "D-denki, you're hurting me." The blonde groaned, digging his nails into his hand. "S-sorry Daddy!"

Bakugou grunted, wrapping his hand around Denki's hard dick starting to stroke him. "Sh.. it's okay baby boy~ just relax~" The blonde let out a breathless moan, pleasure flooding throughout him as he felt a knot tie in his stomach. "C-close~" Bakugou stopped stroking him, and pulled out of him. He whimpered at the loss of touch, as Bakugou picked him up throwing him into the bed once more. The ash blonde fumbled through a drawer pulling out a cock ring and attached it to the smaller boy. Denki groaned, as Bakugou straddled him once more, lifted his legs onto his shoulder as he thrusted back into him. "Not yet, baby~" He grunted, pounding deep into him cumming into the smaller boy.

Kaminari pouted, before his expression changed drastically, his eyes rolled back once more closing as Bakugou thrusted into him hitting his prostate. "P-please Daddy~!" Katsuki smirked, leaning forward to bite his shoulder, teeth marks  started to show. "A-ah~! Daddy~ I'm so c-close~! Please l-let me cum~!" The ash blonde just flipped him over, his face hitting the bedsheets as his weak arms held Denki up. His body shook as he let out a breathless moan, his limbs shook as he had a dry orgasm. "D-daddy~" Katsuki pulled out of him, laying the boy back on the bed as he pulled the cock ring off of him. Denki groaned, his eyes shutting as his body was over stimulated, Katsuki leaned forward pecking his lips.

"Sorry baby, are you okay?" Denki weakly nodded, his hands making grabby hands for the taller boy. Katsuki chuckled, laying beside him, their legs tangled together as Denki stuffed his face in Bakugou's chest, slowly falling asleep in his lover's arms.

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