Bad Boy~ KiriKamiDeku

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Three lay in bed, Kaminari sandwiched between his boyfriends, his body squirming slightly as he pouted. His thick eyelashes batting together as he grinded back against Izuku's crotch, his chin resting on Kirishima's shoulder a quiet groan leaving his plump lips. The greenette grumbled something beneath his breath, bucking his hips forward against Kaminari's backside, his eyes fluttering open as his lips curled into a small smirk. "Are you awake, baby~?" His voice purred in his ear causing the blonde to whimper, grinding back against him. He hesitated before sitting up on the bed, rubbing his eyes childishly.

Izuku gently woke Eijiro, whispering into his ear causing them both to smirk. "We have enough time if you want us to help you~" Kaminari bit his bottom lip, before shyly nodding, Izuku beckoned him closer, sitting him down on his lap. The greenette stripped the boy from his boxers before doing the same to himself. Kirishima pulling his own off, as he started to bite the blonde's neck leaving bite marks and bruises behind. Kaminari took a sharp breath as Izuku wrapped his fingers around his length starting to pump him. The blonde groaned, his eyes closing as he bucked his hips. "M-more~"

"N-nrgh~!" A moan escaped his parted lips as Eijiro pushed three lubed fingers into his backside, Kaminari's breathing was heavy as he felt himself getting stretched out, all while receiving a hand job. "F-fuc- Daddies~!" His two lovers chuckled lowly, Kirishima curling his fingers inside of him rubbing against the blonde's slick walls. "I- I need y-y- gAh~! You~!" His voice cracked as he moaned, before he was pushed to the bed, Kirishima still fingering him and biting his neck. Midoriya stopped moving his hand pulling away earning a whimper from the submissive blonde. Kirishima pulled his fingers out, nodding to Midoriya who lived himself up before thrusting deep into Kamianri without warning earning a scream from him. A stray tear ran down his cheek as Kirishima kissed it away, pressing his lips to the blonde's.

The smaller boy didn't hesitate to  kiss back, his body jerking as Midoriya pounded into him, they soon pulled away as Kirishiam lubed his own length up before coming up behind Midoriya, pouding into him. The greenette let out a sharp breath, until grunts and moans filled the room.

"H-h- aH~ Hard- gAh~ harder~"

The three continued to please one another, skin slapping skin was all that could be heard along with the lewd sounds from the three. "C-cumming~!" Midoriya released deep in the uke, Denki's eyes rolling back as his ass filled up with the greenette's liquids, a sharp moan leaving his plump lips. "C-close~ d-da- Ah~ Daddy~!" Kirishima sped up thrusting into the greenette in front of him, Izuku leaning forward to rest his chin on Denki's shoulder, moaning loudly in his ear. The blonde squirmed, losing it at that, cum splashed onto his chest and on Midoriya.

Kirishima watched the sight before him, before groaning and cumming into the greenette. The red head and Midoriya pulled out, before the three caught their breaths.

"I love you two."

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