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Requested by: here-and-there

Lips moving in sync, bodies grinding roughly against one another's, a low groan escaped Todoroki's plump lips as his hard on rubbed against Bakugou's. He straddled the blonde, leaning down to his neck, disconnecting their lips, roughly biting down on the boy's shoulder. The blonde whimpered, letting out a breathy moan, as his hand snaked down to Todoroki's length, jerking him off.

The bi-coloured Male pushed himself up, grabbing an all too familiar bottle of lube from the bedside table, lubing up his length, knowing that Katsuki had prepared himself not too long ago.

Bakugou gasped at the feeling of Shoūto slowly sliding into him, a low groan escaping the dominant Male. "F-fuck~ mo-move~"
Shoūto didn't have to be asked twice, sliding out before pounding deep into him with a gasp, the feeling of Katsuki's walls clenching around his length turned him on even more.

"H- ah~ rder~!

Todoroki bit his bottom lip, ruthlessly pounding into the blonde's backside, a loud scream of pleasure erupting from Katsuki's lips as he did so.

Shoūto didn't stop thrusting into him, making sure to become rougher each time he pounded into the boy beneath him, Katsuki's back arched as the dominant Male hit his prostate, a breathy moan leaving his plump lips, his dark eyelashes tangling together as a tear shed from his eyes. "GaH~! T-th- ah~ there~!" A few more thrusts and the blonde reached his climax, hit strands of cum exploding onto their stomachs. Shoūto came soon after with a loud moan, before he slid out of the quivering blonde.

Bakugou shakily sat up, wrapping his arms around the two toned Male's neck, causing Shoūto to let out a mix of a moan and a splutter, letting Bakugou pin him down to the bed next. His hands remained around his neck, before he let go letting Shoūto catch his breath, before the blonde leaned over to the bedside table, opening the top drawer. The blonde grabbed two pairs of handcuffs, attaching them to the boy's wrists and bed poles. He then grabbed two belts, tying his ankles to the bed, before straddling him.

Their lips met once more, moving in sync as they grinded against one another. They pulled away after a while, a string of salvia connecting the two as Bakugou swatted it away. "Let me pleasure you, now~"

Shoūto nodded, watching as the blonde boy moved down, kitten licking his slit earning a low groan from the other. "F-fuck~"
Bakugou took his length into his mouth fully, deep throating him.

Todoroki's grunted, unable to run his hands through the other's hair to pull him down onto him further, bucking his hips harshly as he moaned. Enjoying the pleasure he was receiving, Bakugou smirked up at him, taking in his dick to the point it hit the back of his mouth gagging around it slightly as it sent vibrations down Shoto's cock, the other moaning loudly at that.

It continued like this until Shoto soon felt the strong feeling of warmth spread through his lower half as it twitched, coming close to his climax as Katsuki hummed softly, more vibrations sent through to the other.
The multicoloured boy soon arched his back, body quivering as he came in the boy's mouth, Katsuki seductively pulling away, and swallowing, wiping away the soft dribble down his chin.

"God.. you're so fucking hot, Kat.."

The other chuckled, softly removing the restraints, sharing a kiss with the breathless boy before they cleaned up and rested for the night.

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