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A/N: Angst and Fluff
Mentions: suicide, depression, self harm etc

Requested by: Kirishima_tHerOcKgUy

Being the usually expected beam of sunshine to the bakusquad group.. you had to hide everything behind the mask in which you created to hide behind..


This is what Denki Kaminari did, the troubled boy trying to fight the demons that lurked in his mind, but no matter what he did he always fell under the pressure, the bridges burning until he fell into the sea beneath.
Arms reaching out as he was dragged under, the water filling his lungs and burning his throat as he struggled, trying to be seen..

He could see everyone around him..
Happy, smiling, laughing.. breathing, but he couldn't, he couldn't..
His demons were coming for his head, wanting him dead.. It didn't take long before he lost control, being dragged beneath the waves, screaming out for help..

But no one listened..



That's when he flinched, tears filling his glossy electric yellow eyes, his form teacher looking him up and down opening his mouth to speak before the blonde ran out of the room, his class mate's chatter ceasing as they watched him leave.

Two boys stood.

They had to,
They knew something was wrong, Aizawa gave them permission to leave, watching them disappear out of the door.

The blonde was already gone, left to crumble, anger building up before he let it all go, stumbling over his own feet as he fell to the tiled flooring of the halls, footsteps echoing after him as the two teenagers rushed to his aid.
His body shook, tears streaming down his cheeks as he sniffled, sobs leaving his mouth as he curled up.
Sat on his knees, head bowed and hands hiding his tear stricken face in hopes to rid the others from seeing him.


A shaken voice, concern and worry laced through it as Kirishima managed to mutter it out, Bakugou following the red head's actions as they both knelt down beside him.
"Hey.. hey, pikachu what's wrong..? We're here for you.."

He hummed softly, fluttering over his own tears as he thought over what he could say without spilling everything like an over flowing sink, ready to spill before it shattered and smashed under the weight it brought itself to.
"H-huh..? Oh.. yeah, um.." He rubbed the back of his neck sighing softly managing to stutter out his own words. "Just because I seem happy doesn't mean I am.. it's just easier to put up a front than face problems head on, I tend to.. procrastinate way too often.. and sometimes it's just easier to hide behind a mask of my own.."

The boys listened to his shaky and heartbroken sobs as he stuttered out his words, the smaller blonde flinching as Bakugou gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey.. hey, I'm not going to hurt you.."

Kaminari sniffled, the two teenagers taking that as an understanding as Kirishima gently rubbed his back, eyes drooping slightly as he took in what Denki had said.
"I.. it's okay not to be okay.. why didn't you tell us..? I understand it's hard, but.. but we're all here for you, don't forget that.."

Denki didn't respond once again, before gasping softly as Bakugou pulled him into a hug, the other blonde squirming slightly before relaxing in his grasp, letting the taller blonde hug him. Kirishima hesitating before joining in on the hug, Kaminari sobbing into Bakugou's chest.

It lasted like this until the other two decided it would be better to bring Denki up to one of their dorms, as class was going to end soon, not wanting anyone else to see the broken boy and make him feel worse.
The three had camped out in the troubled boy's dorm, the smaller sniffling as he told them to stay in his room and not go through his things as he parted to take a quick shower to rid the icky feeling of tears on his face.

The two teens had to do as they were told not to, too worried to not try and see if they could find anything that would help them find out what was wrong.

Sadly.. after enough searching they found the boy's diary, and a box of.. well, razors.. mostly old and rusted, others..  blood stained and used, a few old letters alongside.. those of which;
Past suicide letters from attempts from up to 5 years ago, all up to leading to one just the night before..

Denki stepped out of the shower not too long ago, hair still dripping from the water particles and his mouth was dry.. Dry to the point it felt stapled shut, unable to be open to croak out any unneeded word. He stood staring at his reflection in the mirror.. His hands clenched at his sides and towel wrapped around his waist, looking at himself didn't seem real.. Didn't seem like him, everything was a blur, a blur to the point he couldn't make out his own face, colours blurring and bleeding into one another.

Cuts littered his arms, everywhere.. Not a single piece of milky skin to be seen, all, red.. Red and irritated, some having the impression of blood clotting, others reopened.. Every inch of his arms were painted red, red with the thick blood.
His thighs were mutilated, going down to his knees with cuts, he didn't feel anything. Not a single ounce of pain, just.. Emptiness.
Nothing to feel, and nothing to think of. His reflection made him loose track of time, staring forward and swaying slightly, unable to be kept still.
His bones cracked and twitched with every small sway, eyes drooping within the trance.

A soft knock on the door caused him to snap out of his small trance, causing him to gulp, quickly slipping on some cargo shorts and a hoodie he had lying around before hesitantly making his way out of the bathroom, looking up at the worried boys.

"Kami.. please talk to us.."

His eyes widened slightly at the sight of his diary and box of 'punishment' blades he had on his bedside table, tears glazing over his eyes once more as Kirishima picked him up, gently bouncing him on his hip, as the smaller sniffled, hiding his face in his shoulder.

"Did you.. can I see your arms.. please.. we only want to help you."

Bakugou pleaded the blonde, Denki being placed on Kirishima's lap as his shirts rode up slightly, displaying a few of his cuts, pulling his sleeves over his hands as the two teen's eyes widened.

"Denki.. take your hoodie off, please.."

He gulped at the use of his first name, before sniffling as he shakily nodded, Kirishima gently taking it off of him, Bakugou pausing gas he took in the sight before running a hand through his own hair as he stood.


He paused noticing the other's glossy eyes, shaking his head, gulping.

"Hey.. hey, it's not your fault.. i- I'll get the first aid kit.."

Kirishima kept the other company, trying his best to hide his own tears as his heart ached at the sight of the troubled boy's wounds.

Bakugou soon returned, disinfecting both of his arms, Kirishima gently playing with Denki's hair in attempt to distract him from the pain, before Katsuki bandaged them up, leaving soft kisses over them as Eijiro did the same.
Denki sniffled, rolling up his shorts as Bakugou gulped, getting to work on treating the boy's thighs, trying not to space out and start to break down himself, before carefully bandangein them up, placing the first aid kit away.

The three boys shared a small kiss to the forehead, from one another, Denki receiving one from each of them as they spent the rest of the night cuddling up on the bed, Eijiro making a mental note to get rid of the razors.

"We're never going to let you get hurt again.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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