Embarrassed • Logan/Thomas

79 3 0

Warning: Swearing

"I think that this is the most out-of-character thing you've ever done, Logan," Thomas chuckled at his boyfriend's muffled whine from his face being smushed into the junction between Thomas's neck and collarbone.

Logan was currently on Thomas's lap while Thomas sat on the couch with his arms snaked around Logan's thin waist. Logan's legs were splayed out on either side of his boyfriend's hips, and his arms were loosely and lazily strung around his shoulders. Logan had come to Thomas just a few minutes prior, requesting for cuddles because something had stressed him the hell out.

It was usually Thomas who initiated the cuddles, so the expression on Thomas's face when those words passed through his ears was unimaginable.

He agreed nonetheless.

"That's only the second most out-of-character thing that Logan has done," Roman's voice suddenly chimed in; the Prince was now standing with his arms crossed in front of the couple. "The first was willingly choosing to date someone. Thomas, at that."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Thomas raised an eyebrow and feigned his offence at his creativity's words.

"I'm not saying anything about you, Thomas!" Roman gasped dramatically. "All I'm saying is that Logan could've chosen to date any of us, and he chose his host, which could possibly be considered illogical."

Thomas laughed loud and unashamed at Roman's over-the-top reaction. Classic Princey.

"I know, I know! Calm yourself, Roman!" Thomas's smile of amusement was so bright it could rival the sun.     

Thomas felt and heard another whine vibrate through his neck, longer and louder this time. Logan got embarrassed easily, especially if he was doing something affectionate with Thomas while others were around.

"You okay, Lo?"


Thomas chuckled softly and ran his fingers through Logan's hair, pressing a kiss to his temple. "Sorry."

Logan mumbled something unintelligible and he nuzzled further into Thomas's neck.

Thomas's smile softened and he used his hand to beckon Roman to leave the room, to which Roman responded with a Virgil-like eye roll and sunk back out.

"He's gone now, Logan. You don't need to be embarrassed anymore."

"Can't help it."


"Love is embarrassing."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is."

"Love is cute!"


"And besides," Thomas smirked, coaxing Logan's head to look up at him. "You're cute, so that's all that matters."

Logan froze. His face dusted a deep shade of red.

"... f-falsehood!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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