Ch. 1: The eyes

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The sun shines throw my window, hitting objects and scattering across the room. I roll out of bed, my pyjamas all messed up from tossing in my sleep.
After washing up and changing into my uniform, I grab my bag and an apple and leave.

I say goodbye as I locked the door, even though there would never be a response.
The walk to school isn't long, about 30minutes in good weather. The sun was shining and there was a light breeze, it was beautiful. The tops of trees glittering and swaying, fabric lightly blowing, my hair swept behind me. A small smile crosses my face.

It was days like this that made me happy.
When I got to school, I was pulled into a large hug.

"SaeRom! I've got so much to tell you!" A girly voice screams into my ear. My best friend, Hana, links arms with me as she starts to hurriedly speak about things that happened in her life.
I give a "mhm" or "yeah" every couple of words to let her know that I'm listening as the random names of people and places fly out of her mouth.
By the time we reach the classroom she's finally finished, and having run out of things to say before the bell, she quickly goes to her seat.

I sit down in my desk, only a few seats behind Hana's. The bell rings, and the rest of the class begins to take their seats.


By the end of the day I'm tired, hungry, and honestly I just want to go home.
The day was filled with whining and moaning from other students, -children of rich families, mainly heads of companies, doctors's kids, people like that.- and the constant pampering from teachers.

I however, a scholarship student, was not treated the same.

I didn't find it completely fair, but I rather just be left alone than waited on.
Hana and I walk out of the school together, telling jokes and laughing.
But we have to part ways because we both live in different directions.
Hana is similar to the other students at this school -wealthy, but she is kind and loyal.

After waving goodbye, I turn towards the park path that touches the edge of the forest.
The darkness clothes much of the scenery from me, only the closest of trees and shrub getting the light from the walkway path lights.

The breeze was still here from this morning, light, except something was different. Something was off.
My footsteps falter as I look behind me. I see nothing as I stare into the blackness.
I could feel the weight of something, but I couldn't find it.

It was the weight of a stare.

I walk faster, taking a turn for a shortcut. It wasn't as well lit as the rest if the path, but it was a good hundred meters or so shorter.

Suddenly, I hear a rustling noise. Spinning towards it, I hear what sounds like a low growl, but I can barely make it out.
Deep in between the trees, I have to squint at first, but then I realize what they are.

Deep in the trees, there's a pair of red glowing eyes staring back at me.
Terrified, I turn on my heel and run. Not caring if it chased me I just had to get home.

When I finally reach home, my breath is ragged and shallow. I lock the door behind me, the windows too.

I was probably over reacting, but what I had seen has scared me.
I tried to forget about the eyes and growl as I washed up for bed.
It seemed to work, but as I tried to fall asleep, the red eyes came back.
That night, I fell asleep to questions floating in my mind.
But no matter how hard I tired, one way or any other, my mind wandered back to the eyes.

Who do they belong to?

What do they belong to?

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