Chap: 4

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Finally home, I unlock the front door, making sure to tell Hana and her brother -who drove us home- that I was inside.
I put the remaining popcorn in the microwave and head to my room.
Throwing my backpack by my desk, I flop down on my bed, splaying out in all directions.

"You need to get it together SaeRom!" I tell myself. "You can do it!"

It isn't long before my phone buzzes, startling me from my half comatose state.
The call is from an unknown caller. It wasn't uncommon for there to be private or unknown callers, most of the time it was friends or family, or even businesses. I answer it, expecting it to be an advertisement or a wrong number.
But instead, there's just silence on the other end.

"Hello?" I check my phone to make sure I actually answered the called. I did. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Silence. With the exception of a small noise I can't make out.
"I'm going to hang up now, good evening." I say curtly, just incase there is someone listening. My phone clicks off, and frustration boils in me.
Despite it being weird enough to keep me awake for the next few minutes, I slowly start to drift away into the magic land of sleep. Something I very much needed. Soon enough, I was asleep on my bed in my room, my dark brown hair pooling around my face.


I feel myself floating, as though I'm being carried. My feet feel cold, but my body is warm. Attempting to get warmer, I snuggle up closer to the warmth, resting my head near the warmest area.
In my half asleep state, I figure I have kicked my blanket off, but am just too tired to fix it. Finally comfortable again, I drift back to sleep.

My eyes flutter open slightly. I felt like I had just had the best sleep of my life. Feeling cozy, I grab my blanket and pulled it tighter around me.

This does not feel like my blanket.
My eyes dart around the room.

Where was I? What happened?! Why was I in someone else's bed?! The worst thoughts ran through my head.
Suddenly, a dark shadow in the chair across from the bed moves.
I scream, the shadow quickly runs over to me, and I get louder. I was scared. I haven't been this scared since... Since the incident.

A hand covers my mouth as a familiar face pops into view. A tingly sensation sends sparks where our skin meets.
Shocked, I fall silent, and he drops his hand from my mouth.


"Hey," he starts. Awkwardly scratching his temple.
Hey. Hey?!?! Oh you did not just hey me after that.
He'sgonnadie. I'm gonna kill him. Aish, this idiot!

Suddenly components connect, and I push Kai away. Desperate to figure out what happened, scared to know what did.
The door bursts open suddenly, a tall blond haired boy stands in the doorway, his eyes wide. Another boy, slightly shorter with black hair, appears behind him.

"What?!" Kai snaps at the two boys. Both look slightly horrified when they see me, their eyes going between the two of us.
The taller one opens his mouth, but shuts it, looking to the younger one.

"Kai..." His voice is quiet with bit of a foreign accent, "you've brought someone here. Someone who doesn't know about us." I detect a sense of worry in his voice, but none of this is making sense to me.
What was going on?

Kai runs a hand through his hair before taking a deep breath.
"Tao, she's my," he trails off, looking at me with somewhat sad eyes. For some reason I couldn't bear to look at him like that. I turn my head away, facing away from Kai and two other boys.

When I look back, both boys have wide eyes, much wider than before. They both stare at me, then quickly advert this glances as Kai moves closer towards me.

"We have to tell Suho, he'll want to know. Especially since..." He, the taller boy finally speaks up but trails off.

"You don't think I know that Sehun?" Kai pulls at his hair. The boys all look between each other, as though they're having a conversation but not aloud. Suddenly, Tao and Sehun leave. Leaving me alone with Kai.

"I'm sorry," he gives me breathily, "I couldn't...wait any longer, not when you were so close." He puts his chin in his palm as he ignores my questioning looks.

I was worried. I wasn't really scared per say, but it felt like it.
Finally, I get enough courage to speak up.

"Kai, why am I here? Where am I? Please take me home." The last sentence came out barely above a whisper but I knew he heard all of it. I wasn't sure why I was here, or what happened to me, or if anything did. But Kai seemed really on edge, and the last thing I wanted to do was anger the (seemingly) psycho kidnapper.
I turn away from him, throwing the bedsheet back. I felt extremely uncomfortable in another person's room- never mind a boys room. His gaze follows me as I search for my shoes or something that could be mind.

Suddenly, something presses into me, and a low throaty growl is given off.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Way of Wolves ||•Kai Fanfic•|| {On semi-short Hold}Where stories live. Discover now