Chap 10:

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When I wake, I'm in the same room as I was before. I can tell because it has the same smell.

The smell of comfort,

The smell of him.

My eyelids are heavy and it takes me forever to get them open, my body full of lead. Attempting to move, a pain shoots up my side.

I let out a small moan and feel my head start to pound even harder. The white of the sheets makes the brown room seem as though it had heaven in its centre, tiny black accents the only give away that it wasn't real.
His walls were a darker brown colour, quite beautiful especially when matched with the black furniture and white sheets and desk.

I smile a little, he's such an odd person, I think. His personality was much brighter than his room, and for some reason that made me smile.
Like a ball of light shining effortlessly and gloriously in the darkness.

My mind groggily comes around to his face. Kai's dazzling smile and his smiling eyes as I turn around in my desk. His warmth embracing me happily.

Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai.


I force my head to turn as I scan the room for him. No where.
It's as though I have chains attached to weights on each of my limbs, dragging me further and further below the water's surface of unknowing.

Slowly sliding my foot out of the bed, the next leg following, I'm eventually able to sit up. Trying to stand nearly brings my to the floor, so for the first few steps between the bed and the door I have to grasp onto furniture for dear life. My fingers brush the doorknob, the cool metal shocking my hot body.

The hallway was long, multiple doors on either side with a picture frame every second or third door. I go left, hoping to not get lost in the mansion that is their house.
Pain radiates throughout me, each movement causing new and worsening discomfort. Tears spring in my eyes, but I managed to hold them in somehow.
My body feels broken, but that's the least of my worries.
Suddenly, a door to my right opens, startling me.

"Oh!" A voice from inside the room goes. I try to look at the owner, but they're shrouded in darkness. I can only see the outline of the one side of their body, a tall man.
I step back, unknowing and untrusting.
"SaeRom, is it?" He asks, waiting for my light nod before I continue. "Chanyeol," he steps forward into the light, which bounces off his bright smile. His hand reaches out, before quickly pulling it back.

"What is it?" I ask, not sure why he retreated. My voice comes out quiet and weak, I must sound like death. Inwardly, I cringe at the sound of it.

He simply states, "your hands, they're wrapped in bandages. I don't want to hurt them more," before quietly mumbling to himself something I can't catch.
His smile fades a bit, a more serious look taking over his features.
"Why aren't you resting?"

I go to answer, but stop myself. Silently, I stand, before gaining the courage to speak.
"Kai." I nearly said his real name, but something I'm not sure of stops me.

Chanyeol simply nods in understanding, pointing down the hallway in the direction I was going before stepping out in front as he starts walking.

It doesn't take long to reach the door, but it took many turns. He reaches for the doorknob, turning it quietly as if not to make a sound that would disturb a mouse, and opens it. Motioning me to walk in, I cautiously tiptoe in, and he pulls the door shut just as silently as he opened it.
It's dark, but I see a dim light just around the corner of the wall separating the main room from a walking space.
As I round the corner, my jaw drops open.

On the bed lies Kai, peaceful in sleep. He had a large gauze bandage wrapped around his head, covering the gash he got during the fight. His hands were wrapped up, just like mine.
His face, even though part is covered by a bandaged, he still looks beautiful. His features looked angelic in the dim light, my eyes trailing down to his lips before I turn away, my cheeks warming up.


Hi guys, I'm sorry. It's been forever I know. I would say 've been busy but what type of excuse is that, I still should've found time etowrite for you guys!

Hope you enjoy it! And feel free to leave comments and to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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