Chap 9: Scared

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  Kai emits a deep growl. His body completely blocking me from the big wolf as it moves closer and out of the trees. Kai's bag slides off his shoulder, and before it hits the ground, he's gone. The rain falls harder, creating a curtain of darkness so thick I can't see past the opening of the bus shelter.

 The noise echoing from the metal roof is deafening, but I hear growls and sounds I can't describe coming from the direction he went. 

 "Kai! I shout, rocking forward on my toes, wanting to run. I was scared, what was going on? It didn't make any sense to me. I felt so useless, so scared and worried.

"Go out and look for him! Help him!" A voice echoed in my mind. I dig my hand into a side pocket on my backpack, searching for something that might be a little useful. Nothing. A panicky frustrated yelp comes out, and I run out into the rain.

 It was painful. The raindrops were like shards of glass, it felt like they were cutting my skin. Not far outside of the shelter do I get completely soaked, and by the time I reach the treeline, I can barely feel my limbs anymore.

 I shout out his name again, hoping that he would answer, hoping he was okay. Just as I was about to shout again, deep in the trees on my right a bone crunching sound echoed clearly throughout. Without thinking anymore I run towards the sound with a pain in my chest.

 Tripping in the darkness and slipping in the little ponds forming, I keep running. "Kai? Where are yo-" the scream cut off as I trip over something huge. Landing in mud, I quickly flip over, looking at what it was.

 It was a person.

 The boy who's nearly fully naked body was half hidden under a bush of some sort, the rain beating down on his body. He looked dead. I could tell instantly that it wasn't Kai. The skin too white, like snow, the hair too sandy, it wasn't him. I lean over and put my shaky hand up towards his throat, but for some reason I couldn't touch him. His chest didn't seem to be moving, but with the powerful downpour I doubt anyone could tell the truth or not. It wasn't Kai, thank goodness, but that just made the pain in my chest grow.

"Where are you Kai?" I mentally scream, my fear and anxiety growing. Was he okay? Or was he like this boy: laying on the ground somewhere in the freezing rain of autumn, covered in mud and pained. I try to take off the sweater to put it over the boy, but the wet fabric wasn't going anywhere. Realizing it was futile, I look around for Kai. 

 I push my way past multiple trees, nearly losing my balance most of the time. My body ached and I was frozen, but I wasn't going to stop until I knew he was okay. I hated this feeling- the feeling of not knowing, the anxiety, the pain.

 Suddenly, I trip once more and fall to the ground. A pain shoots up my arm.

 I looked up a bit and see what I tripped over. He was sitting on the ground, his dark hair hung in front of his eyes, his body slouched against a tree. 

 "Kai!" A strangled cry escapes me. I crawl towards him, and take his hand in one of mine as I move his hair out of his face with the other. It felt eerily warm and sticky. "Kai, please be okay," I whisper.

 His head sways at first, then it rests against my hand. Slowly, his eyes open, their usual dark brown was replaced by a faintly glowing red. A small pang of fear ran through me, but it wasn't there for long. A small smile crosses his face, then Kai weakly wraps his arms around me, his head leaning against mine now. I feel his chest moving and his worn and ragged breathing on my shoulder. My hand that was holding his was now wrapped around his neck as I pulled him closer to me.

  "Saerom," he whispers weakly, his voice drowned out by the downpour. "You're okay, right?" His voice strains to be louder, and his head swings back gently, his lips grazing the side of my cheek as it does, sending electrical shocks through my skin.

 I give a small laugh, "I should be asking you that. Can you even stand?" He nods his head and puts an arm against the tree as I try to help him to his feet, but I'm unable to use my right arm very much. Though the cold rain had numbed my limbs, the pain was almost intolerable. But I did my best to ignore it, eventually pushing it to the back of my mind as I tried to help Kai walk out of the forest.

It was just lightly raining now, but everything was soaked or flooded, making it difficult to move.

 Before we reach our bags, two dark figures running towards us. I tense up, scared it would be bad people, but as soon as they passed under the street light, I recognized them- Tao and Sehun. A car drives up the street just behind them, its lights lighting up what I hadn't seen before.

 Kai had a gash on his forehead, blood poured halfway over his face, trailing down his neck. He has on his uniform jacket, but his shirt is torn into strips of rags hanging off his body. There are cuts I can see underneath his shirt, blood staining all of it.

 "Saerom! Kai!" A voice rings out clearly in the now calmer evening. A short man sprints from the car just as Kai trips and we both fall onto the ground. I think it was Suho, but my mind was getting dizzy and I didn't feel well. Pain erupted in my body but I held back the tears.

 Tao lifts Kai onto his back, Kai complying, his eyes closed once again, carrying him to the car. Sehun comes to my side, his eyes worried.

 "Saerom, are you okay??" I nod weakly but Sehun touches my arm and wince, giving myself away. "What happened?" He tries to pull the fabric up but a small yelp of pain comes out, and he instantly retracts his hands. "I'm sorry," he whispers. I move my arm closer to him, also curious as to why it hurts so much -Is Kai alright would be a better question- and he lightly prods it. Suho comes over to us, his face full of concern but I can see something is masked beneath it, I just can't tell what.

 Sehun looks up to Suho, "I think her arm is broken." Suho just nods and motions for me to follow them to the vehicle, and quickly. I tell Sehun about the other boy, the one just laying lifelessly in the rain, but they don't do anything about it.

 "Suho sunbae," I start, "is Kai going to be okay?" Each word comes out slower and more slurred than the last, and an unbearable pain takes over my body.

I don't hear his response as I fall to the ground, but just thinking about Kai and hearing the distance rain until the moment my world goes blank.

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