~vingt et deux~

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*Ryes POV*

The words just fell out of my mouth and I froze. Did I really just say that? I looked at Andy and he was looking at me confused.

Andy:"I-I don't understand. The other day you told me you didn't like me and now you're contradicting yourself. Ryan please just tell em the truth on how you feel about about me."

Andy's voice was laced with confusion and I could tell he desperately needed truthful answers. But the truth is I needed those same and truthful answers from myself. I just can't manage to find them.

Rye:"Andy if I'm being 100% honest with you about my feelings towards you they're unknown to me. I keep telling myself I don't like you but the more and more I'd o that and tell myself we're just friends the more I feel attracted to you. I just don't know how I really feel."

Andy looked at me like a deer in headlights. He just sat there and stared into my chocolate brown eyes as I stared into his ocean blue ones.

Rye:"yeah Andy?"
Andy:"what are we gonna do?"
Rye:"give me time to sort things out and think about how I feel then we can sort things out together."
Andy:"ok well when you figure yourself out you know where to find me."

Andy then squeezed my knee and stood up leaving me outside by myself once again. Why didn't I just tell him what I told mikey? I think I like him and that's it. As much as I would love to I don't know how I completely feel about him. I mean hell yesterday I knew I was straight but now I'm questioning that and there's a possibility that I like my bandmate. My best friend. I really need to figure all this out and fast. But here's my first problem where do I even start?
Less than 5 chapters left!!!!
I'm gonna prolly end up doing a sequel to this book. If you want a sequel PLEASE let me know by commenting.
Hope you're all doing great!
//see you on the flip side\\
~brea <3

~Unknown Feelings~  {Randy}Where stories live. Discover now