Chapter Twenty-Five

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"All rise!" the court bailiff boomed. The court room's murmurs slowly died down and was replaced with the shuffling of feet as the they waited patiently for the judge to come in and pondered over why the Hell those wigs were needed. The judge moved up to his stand.

"Be seated," he said loudly. "Court is now in session. We are here today to discuss the kidnapping of four which lead to the death of one and hospitalisation of three others, but I see no accused. May I ask where Lewis Dawkins is today?" the judge asked the attorney representing Lewis. There were some shocked murmurs from the crowd. The judges gavel came smashing down. "Order in court!"

"Your Honour," the attorney said, standing up, "my client is too mentally unstable to be here in court today, so I will be representing and defending him. I hope the jury will take this point into consideration in their conclusion later," she said, giving the jury stand a quick glance.

"Well," the judge said, "get on with it!"

"Lewis Dawkins was a kind and caring man, filled with happiness and the desire to help others in any way he could. This is shown in many ways, through his contact with his fans on the internet and the multiple fund-raising events he held for charities such as WWF and St. Jude's Hospital. May you all take a look at the screen," she asked. A projector whirled slowly before the screen was illuminated with a video. It was Lewis, and everyone else who went to Alton Towers, in the holiday vlog. Everyone looked happy; relaxed. People laughed and people joked. Baz was there too. The video ended. "This, ladies and gentlemen, proves my point. He was kind and caring. What happened on 10th May was a tragedy that no-one could have ever perceived, but today I am not here to try and prove his innocence in the act, but I am here to prove his innocence due to his lack of control in his actions. Please look towards the screen again." This time, a new video was shown. No one recognised it at first; it was so dark, and the camera kept glitching. But eventually, the screen flooded with light. And there stood what people called "Darko", white eyes and all. The court room became an echoing chamber of chorused gasps, but they died down quickly. Everyone was so fixated on what was happening in the video. It wasn't exactly a usual thing, to see a kidnapping. Especially when the victims were wearing animal masks. They played the video until Lewis had finished showing the camera to all of the four victims and had returned to his original place in front of Baz.

"This video is not edited in anyway; I can assure you. The camera must have been broken which caused the glitching, but those eyes? No one really understands how they happened. The main theory is that Mr Dawkins had experienced an extremely severe seizure before this video took place. According to witnesses, mainly the victims, he lost all control of his bodily function and ended up colliding with the floor, headfirst. Along with brain damage, this may have caused a strange type of eye dilation. But you don't need me to tell you that to see he is clearly not of sound mind. This video took place one day after the video you previously saw." The crowd was shocked. "And he had known these people for years, no one of a sane mind could ever do this. Your Honour, Lewis Dawkins was not in control of his actions at the time of this tragedy." She sat back down.

The judge nodded and turned to the prosecutor who stood up quickly.

"Your Honour, don't you see the major fault in the defender's argument? She said it herself! This video took place one day after Lewis Dawkins was mentally sane so how could he have deteriorated that fast?"

"Objection, your Honour!"


"As I was saying, this was one day after Mr Dawkins was perfectly fine. How could someone just deteriorate overnight? He was under no outside pressure and under no influence of alcohol or drugs. There is no obvious reason for him to have suddenly snapped! And that thing he kept going on about? "50/20 mode"? It's an upcoming video game by the creator of Five Nights at Freddy's, Scott Cawthon. Although video game addictions are a real and present thing, the game wasn't even out yet! There was no reason for him to be demanding ransoms for something that he didn't have! Can't you see the terrible reasoning there? Lewis Dawkins was not insane. He knew what he was doing! He knew that he and his group were the only people staying in that side of the park's accommodation at Alton Towers. He knew what he wanted to bring with him. He had this planned! Police had found a role of parcel tape in Mr Dawkins's bag, clearly showing what intent he had for the so called "holiday". All reported mental conditions are most likely being faked! It has happened before! From serial killers pretending they have anorexia to get into better prison cells while others have physically harmed themselves so they could live more comfortably. It doesn't take much to trick the system, your Honour! Lewis Dawkins had done a lot of charity work, granted. But in his videos that he releases online, there are multiple instances of him suddenly becoming enraged over the simplest of things! This "dangerous" behaviour from him has been seen on multiple occasions by his thousands of subscribers and somehow is only being brought up now! Your Honour, Lewis Dawkins is not mentally ill. The event was pre-planned and executed to a high degree of accuracy, if it wasn't for one of the victim's bold actions to save his friends, we might have been here to discuss the murder of four innocent people instead of one."

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