- chapter four: the mall rats [ part two ]

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material girls and hurt feelings.

up above is nineteen's outfit for when her and eleven get their nEw LoOks ✨

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up above is nineteen's outfit for when her and eleven get their nEw LoOks ✨

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eleven jumps out of the changing room and towards max and nineteen, who stand by a mirror on a wall. nineteen stares at her in shock and then looks in the mirror at her. max had grabbed a small yellow hat and was waiting to try it on eleven.

eleven puts the hat on her head and it covers her eyes. she sets her hands on her hips confidently, but straightens up when max swoops in and adjusts it on her head.

eleven then hooks her thumbs in the suspenders and drags them out. she lets them go and they snap against her stomach. nineteen giggles, looking over at them.

eleven then walks back into the changing room with another outfit and hops out. she smiles happily, looking at her best friends for what they think of it. nineteen smiles widely at her.

nineteen and max saddle up against eleven. nineteen leans on eleven, holding her left hand. max holds up two belts, yellow and red, and looks to eleven. eleven grabs the yellow one quickly, liking the brightness.

she twirls around quickly after getting it buckled. max and nineteen rush forward and spin her even more but she then stops and giggles wildly as she stumbles back into the brunette and redhead, getting dizzy.

when eleven goes back in, max and nineteen walk over to the moving poles where multiple sunglasses sit. max grabs a few and walks up to the mirror. she tries the square black ones, but quickly decides against them. she then puts on the pair of white and red sunglasses and stares for a moment before grimacing and taking them off. nineteen appears beside her.

she holds up a pair of red ones with dark lenses. max tries them on. she smiles immediately and pulls them down, smirking at herself in the mirror. she pulls nineteen over to the shirts on the wall, already picking out ones for her.

eleven exits then, wearing a black romper with different colored shapes on it. she stands in front of the mirror and bends down, flipping her hair and messing with it like the women would do in the mtv videos.

"blue's turn! blue's turn!" max then says, shoving clothes into her hands. nineteen bites her lips excitedly and goes into the changing rooms quickly.

she tries on the first outfit. it's a yellow frilly t-shirt and a pair of long purple overalls. she's barefoot as she jumps out. max gasps and eleven stares shocked.

they giggle as she walks forward and just stares at herself, amazed at how she looks.

she gets so excited that before she knows it, her hair is beginning to float. max and eleven rush forward and smooth it down, careful not to touch her knowing they would be electrocuted. it's silent for a second before they all burst into giggles.

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