- chapter ten: the flayed [ part two ]

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different forms.

it's dark outside when they pull up to the entrance of hawkins hospital. they park near the emergency room doors and get out quickly.

nancy takes three deep breaths outside of the automatic doors, before turning to everyone else.

"just follow my lead and act natural."

nineteen's back goes ramrod straight and she moves closer to max. max would probably know what to do.

they walk in, following nancy, who leads them confidently to the front. there's a woman at the desk, talking on the phone animatedly.

the group barely slips past her when the woman stops them.

"whoa, whoa, whoa! excuse me!" she stands up as they all turn to her.

"where do you think you're going?" her tone is accusatory and nineteen feels her face heat up in embarrassment.

nancy cringes but turns back to her with a fake smile. "oh, um... i was just going to visit my grandma again." she looks to the rest of the group. "and-and this..."

"this is my family."

as everyone else smiles awkwardly, including nineteen, the lady sends a very obvious look towards lucas and the boy himself smiles wider. "extended."

"i don't care who they are. you know the rules. two visitors at a time." the woman in glasses replies.

"yeah, but-" nancy starts.

"two!" the woman says back, holding up two fingers. she then picks up the phone again, talking into it as if the group isn't even there. "girl, this child has lost her mind. she brought a whole zoo in here."

jonathan and nancy sigh, looking at each other. "you guys stay out here, we'll be right back."

"i'll listen if you need anything." nineteen offers. nancy nods and turns, walking down the hallway with jonathan in tow.

nineteen turns to her friends with a sigh, them all standing awkwardly and staring. max looks over the three boys before letting out a big sigh and turning away to a table with magazines. nineteen and eleven follow after, picking up magazines of their own. they're pretty boring, but they have cool pictures and pretty colors.

she tries to push everyone else out and focus on nancy and jonathan just in case they need her. they're still in the elevator, but she listens nonetheless.

that is, until she hears a small 'psst' in her ear. she turns around and sees will on the opposite side of the room looking at her intently. her eyebrows come together as she lays down the magazine and walks to him. he's sitting in one of the waiting room seats against the wall with his hands folded in his lap.

"how are you feeling?" he asks once nineteen stops in front of him. she sighs and sits to his left.

"better. i really want to sleep, though."

will chuckles, looking to the table beside him and picking up a magazine of his own. it has the word 'BOMB' printed across the top in bold letters along with a drawing of a woman's face split in two. nineteen leans forward to look at it in interest.

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