Chap 13 "Coma"

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Steve's POV

"Gracie told me you were in trouble," I replied. "You're not answering my calls, so I flew out here."

"You shouldn't have come," JJ nodded. She looked down. "Take cover!"

"JJ!" a guy grabbed her from the edge.

"JJ!" I called. I ran to take cover and the bomb went off. As the debris settled, I walked to what used to be the parking garage. "JJ?!"

"Who are you?" a guy ran over.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Brian," he nodded. "Why you looking for JJ?"

"She's my wife," I nodded. "JJ!" I got my phone and called Chin. "Come on."

"Steve," Chin picked up. "This is a surprise."

"Chin, I need a favor," I stated. "I need thermal cameras and a team down here. JJ was in the area where a bomb went off in LA. I would have my team here but that's gonna take hours." I looked at Brian. "I know you'd get here in an hour, Chin."

"I'll be there soon," Chin hung up.

"Thanks," I nodded. Brian started lifting rocks. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Looking for JJ," Brian nodded. "I'm not gonna stand here and let her keep getting crushed while we wait for your team."

"If you start removing rocks, it could concave and kill her instantly," I pointed. "I say we wait for the thermal cameras."

"She's over here!" yelled a guy.

"Shaw!" Brian shouted. "Where are you?"

"Over here!" Shaw shouted.

"JJ," I stated. We ran towards his voice. When we got to where they were, he was cradling her in his arms. "Is she okay?"

"She's barely breathing," he nodded. "We gotta get her to a hospital."

"I'll take her," I replied. He looked at me. "I'm her husband, Steve McGarrett." He nodded. I carried her to my car and drove her to the nearest hospital. I was asked to be in the waiting room. Eight people walked in. "There's more of you?"

"Just us eight, sir," Brian replied.

"I'm former DSS Agent Luke Hobbs. I was the one who hired your wife to be apart of my team in UC. This is Brian, Dom, Letty, Tej, Ramsey, Shaw, and Rome," the buff guy stated. "I can't tell you what you're feeling right now, but I do know she's going to make it through this. JJ's a fighter and she never gave me any problems when she was working with me."

"If she told me, none of this would've happened," I replied. "I could've been here to protect her." The doctor walked out. "Doctor, how is she?"

"We were touch and go for a little but but she's fighting. We got her stabilized and the surgery went great," the doctor nodded. "But she in a coma. I'm not sure when she'll wake up but she might have some temporary memory loss."

"How much of her memory?" I asked.

"It's hard to say, but anything within the past four months, possibly more," the doctor replied.

"So, she probably won't know who I am," I replied. "My own wife probably won't remember me."

"I'm sorry, Commander," the doctor stated. "Just know she's in the best care here."

"Thank you," I nodded. The doctor walked away. I called Danny. "Pick up."

"How's my sister?" Danny picked up.

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