Chapter II: Rock to Tree

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Flik sighed as he stepped into his home, deciding to gather the last of his collection that he used his harvester to collect in the first place. "Why did I expect a different reaction?" He thought aloud to himself, placing the fruits and grains in a basket.

His antennas twitched upon hearing a knock at his door, but then realized he didn't even close it. He looked over to see the youngest princess standing in the door way, smiling politely. He gave her a weak smile, still feeling foolish from previous events. "Oh, hello there, Princess." He spoke softly.

"You may call me Dot." The child said as she stepped in the room, offering up the telescope he'd left behind. "Here, you forgot this."

"Thank you, but you may keep it." He said, shrugging. "I can just make another one."

Dot smiled as she observed the telescope in her hands. "It's impressive, if you ask me!" She said, then pointed at a certain spot near the glass, "And I love the small heart carving here!"

Flik blushed, turning away. He faked a cough and continued to place the food in a basket. "Oh yes..that." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

Dot didn't even notice as she looked up at him, slowly making her way over to approach him. "I like your inventions! I think they can do well for us in the kingdom."

"Really?" He asked, surprised. But he supposed that if anyone would've been impressed by his work, it would've been a child. But he just wasn't expecting it to be a royal child. "You are the first to admit." He said, then sighed as he shook his head, "I'm beginning to think it's a pointless hobby. It's unappreciated and none of them even work."

"This works!" Dot said, holding up the telescope as she peered through it.

"Fantastic," He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "One success."

Dot set the telescope down, frowning slightly. "What's the matter?" She asked.

"Forgive my behavior, Pri- Dot.." He said, "It has just always been my dream to make a difference in our kingdom. The way things have been since I was a child, our declining conditions. I just wish to help, but no matter what I do, I'm unsuccessful." He sighed, "It seems as though I'll never make a difference."

"I know how that feels." The princess nodded, bowing her head. "Everyone in my class picks on me for being short and slower than the rest. But I don't blame them. I'm a royal ant and I cannot fly yet!" She frowned, "I'm too little..."

Flik chuckled, crossing his arms. "Well, being little isn't such a horrible thing." He said. He remembered being her age and wishing he could grow up faster. But he saw things differently now, and believed that children should stay young as long as they could.

"Yes, it is." She said defensively.

"It is not." He scoffed.

"Is too!" She retorted childishly.

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too! Is too! Is too! Is too!" She repeated, not allowing him the chance to argue.

Flik sighed frustratedly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Though, he wasn't entirely annoyed. He actually found it quite amusing, since he hadn't acted so childishly in a while. It was refreshing to speak to someone younger to be himself around. The only thing he was annoyed by was the fact she didn't believe him.

He then smiled as an idea came to mind. "Hey, come outside." He said, gesturing her to follow. He led her to the back door and into what was considered his backyard. But since his home was small and so close to the other villagers' homes, it was merely just a small patch of grass he would lay down in on hard days.

"I'm going to tell you something my father used to tell me. I just need a seed." He said, beginning to search the grass for seeds while Dot waited on the step.

Unable to find a seed in time for his patience to run out, he groaned and decided to just used a rock instead. He grabbed a midsized rock and handed it to her. "Here, just pretend that that is a seed!" He said.

Dot looked up at him, "It's a rock.."

"Oh, I know- I know it's a rock! But we shall pretend for a moment that it's a seed, alright?" He said, then gestured over to a large tree in the distance. "Now, tell me what you see there."

"A tree." Dot answered simply.

"Exactly. Everything that made that giant tree," He smiled, then patted the rock, "is all contained in this tiny little seed. All it needs is some sunshine and rain, and voila! A tree!"

Dot raised a brow, "This rock..will be a tree?"

Flik shook his head, chuckling. "No, it's a seed! Please, just listen." He said, kneeling down to her height as he took the rock. " may seem like you cannot do much now. But that's alright,'re just not a tree yet! Give yourself some time." He poked her nose, "You are still a seed."

Dot blinked as she glanced between him and the rock, still comprehending what he was trying to tell her. But unfortunately, the metaphor didn't get through to her. She looked at him confused, "But it's a rock..."

"I'm aware it's a rock!" He exclaimed, standing up and throwing his hands up in frustration, "Do you not think I know a rock when I see a rock?! I spent much of my time around rocks!"

Dot giggled at his sudden outburst, "You're quite odd. But I like you."

Flik calmed down a bit, smiling a little. But the two didn't have much time to say anything else before a loud, familiar horn blared throughout the island. Flik gasped, dropping the rock, "They've arrived.."

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