Chapter VIII: Conflicted

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Countless stars were blanketed by grey clouds in the sky above. It was a beautiful sight to see, a sight Princess Atta was quite familiar with. It was basically routine now that she would stand on her balcony after the sun had set and gaze up at the night sky, rather for a few minutes or an hour. The calm oceans and forest on the other side of the island were apart of her gazing as well. She was quite fascinated with the outside world, but she wouldn't dare explore it. She'd sheltered herself her entire life, and she intended to continue doing so.

Her hands rested on the concrete edge as her eyes glazed over the view. It seemed almost everyone in the village had called it a night by now. The only people she could see walking around were possibly some schoolteachers returning from work. Otherwise, there was not a soul to be seen. Though, it was difficult to tell considering the distance. Sometimes Princess Atta wished there was a better way she could safely observe the island from her balcony.

She sighed and stepped back inside, deciding to get her rest now, since there was a long season ahead for her and the kingdom. None of it would even be an issue if it weren't for the man who really tested her patience at times. But Atta did not wish to ponder on the events of the day. The anger and frustration—and the smidge of guilt—would only keep her awake. She walked over to her vanity and removed the pins from her lavender hair, allowing it to fall from its glorious bun to a long and luscious braid.

A knock at the door lightly startled the princess, but she quickly calmed herself. "Come in." She called for her visitor as she finished removing her dress, leaving herself in her corset and undergarments. The door creaked open, a small figure letting their self inside. Princess Atta didn't have to glance to know it was her little sister. "What is it, Dot?" She asked as her hands trailed to her back to undo her corset.

"I cannot sleep." Dot responded, walking over to play with the canopy of her sister's bed. "No one will help put me to bed."

"Where's Mother?" Atta asked, approaching her sister while still undoing her corset—which was getting too difficult and annoying for her to tolerate.
"I'm not sure, but Mr. Soil told me not to bother her." The younger princess sighed. Her eyes averted to Atta's hands, taking quick notice to her struggles. "May I try?" She offered, gesturing to the corset strings.

Atta scoffed and shrugged her shoulders, deciding it would be easier for Dot to attempt the process rather than to do it on her own. "If you can." She exhaled, turning her back to her sister.

Dot hoisted herself up onto the bed on her knees so she could reach Atta's height, beginning to carefully untie the strings of the green, silk corset. "Do I have to wear this one day?" She questioned in a weary yet curious tone.

Princess Atta chuckled, nodding her head. "Yes. All women have to." She answered, taking a deep breath. "Do not ask why."

"And will I have to wear my hair up in a bun all the time?" Her sister asked, tilting her head.

"Um, I suppose so. Why do you ask?" Atta questioned, narrowing her eyes.

Dot shrugged, nearly finishing with the corset. "You and Mother always do. I thought it was a mandatory style for us." She said nonchalantly, "Come to think of it, I have never seen you with your hair down."

Atta stared off, scratching her bare, freckled shoulder. "I do not know what to tell you, I just prefer to keep it up and out of the way."

"That makes sense." Dot nodded, "So, what is it going to be like when you're queen?"

Atta instantly groaned and rolled her eyes, which she was never allowed to do in front of anyone—but Dot was an exception since she was young. "Do not even ask me." She sighed, putting her hands to the sides of her head, "The alliance with the Grasshoppers were a nuisance enough already, but now they have likely lost their trust in us and lord knows how much they're going to ask for now. All thanks to that parasite of a man." She scoffed bitterly.

Dot furrowed her brows, "Hey, don't speak about Flik that way! He was only trying to help!"

"And by doing that, he only made things worse." Atta retorted through gritted teeth.

Dot released the strings and clenched her fists at her sides, "He did not mean to! Have you not ever made a mistake that everyone hated you for?!"

The older princess grew silent, her body stiff and unmoving. The question ringed in her ears louder than Lord Hopper's words from earlier. She held her arms and stepped away, bowing her head to stare at her feet. Princess Dot sat down and tilted her head, finding her sister's behavior quite odd, she could tell that something was on Atta's mind by her posture and her lack of response. But she knew better than to pry.

Princess Atta rested her hand on a chair and sighed, deciding it was better to say something than to allow the silence to drag on. But she didn't wish to continue the conversation, so instead she decided to change the topic. "You said you could not sleep?"
Dot nodded, subconsciously pinching the fabric of her nightgown. Atta sighed, glancing over at the door for a moment. "Alright, you may sleep with me if it helps."

Atta removed the corset and quickly changed into her gown. Though Dot appreciated her sister's offer, she found it a bit off. They used to sleep together all the time when Dot was younger, so she was surprised to hear that they could do it again. She pulled the covers down and laid on the side of the bed, comforting herself under the blankets. Atta pushed aside the canopy and smiled softly, laying down next to her sister.

"Atta?" The younger princess spoke as they both laid in comfortable positions.

"Yes?" Atta responded.

"Do you hate him?" She asked quietly.

Atta raised a brow, glancing over at her. "Hate who?"

"Flik?" She asked, "Do you hate him?"

Atta's face went blank. The guilt she tried to bury within had only grown at her sister's question. She didn't intend to come off as hateful toward Flik, and she certainly didn't intend for Dot to assume that she was.

She shook her head, pricking at her index finger. "No, Dot. I do not hate him. I do not hate anyone."

"Then why do you not like him?" Dot asked with a frown, "He's nice to you, is he not?"

"He is, he is very nice to me." She nodded, growing a bit annoyed by the conversation. But she didn't want to let her frustrations out again. Dot was one of the last people that needed to witness that. "But it's complicated. I have other things to worry about, anyway. I do not have the time to focus on one subject."

Dot gave a small nod, knowing not to press her sister any further with more questions. Though she was curious as to what Atta meant, she just knew she would never truly know. She yawned and closed her eyes, resting her face on her hands. "Good night, Atta."

The elder princess looked at her younger sister, noticing how peaceful she looked already. A small smile appeared on her face as she stroked Dot's long hair. "Good night, Dot." She spoke softly before she turned back to face the top of the bed, her smile fading.

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