It All Started With a Kiss

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.. He walks towards me after putting his drink down, getting faster by the second his feet stamp on the floor.

He put his hands on my waist, never minding the ranging crowd in this dance floor, pulling me closer with a radiant smile. He kissed my cheek, stared at me and kissed me passionately.

"You're drunk, bestfriend.", I whispered and smiled at him. "I'm not, silly.", he squeezed my cheeks. "We both are!", and we swayed to the rhythm of the song DJ Got Us Fallin Inlove Again.

After that moment, he didn't get his hands off my waist. We're both drunk, and getting more drunk by every glass we emptied. And that's all I can remember. Sitting in a table with him and bottles in front of us. Everything faded after that.


**Next Morning** 

I hear birds singing. That's a good thing to start a day. I opened my eyes and stared at the window. The sun came shining in, I can say, this day is perfect!

Suddenly, my head felt like it's carrying an elephant. Maybe because of the party last night, my tummy is growling. I might as well cook something to eat. I pulled my blanket to clear my feet but I felt the blanket moved all over my body.

I rotated and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! "Harry Edward Friggin Styles! What have we done?!", he woke up and stared at me innocently. As if it still doesn't get into him that we're both on the same bed. Naked.

His eyes widen in the sight of me. Beside him. In a bed. "Oh God.", he muttered with WTH feeling on his voice. "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

He stood and pulled the first sheet of the bed to cover up. "Sorry. I didn't kno- I didn't meant to. I don't know!", he said as he runs his hand through his curls. He always do that. It's either he's trying to look cute, confused or even hysteric.

But I am certainly sure that it's not reason number 1. I love him. I really do but this is beyond wrong! "We were drunk. How'd we still be aware of what we're doing?", he grabbed his clothes on the floor and went straight to the walk-in closet of my room.

Still feeling a little dizzy because of the party's aftershock, I picked up some clothes and put it on as fast as I can. He went out of the closet and stared at me, those eyes. Those eyes.. I can see it with disappointment. He reached for the door knob and ready himself to exit.

When I finally blurted out, "So that's all you can do? Run and hide after sleeping and playing with your bestfriend while you two are both drunk? Sounds so unmanly-like.", he stops but he ignored my insult and went out. He seems so confused. I went near the window of my bedroom and see him leave the building. I guess that's really everything..

Tears started streamin down my face, getting paranoid everytime I get to see the bed. He took it. He took it just like that. He took it and left. I called on my bestfriend Stacey, but there was no answer. I tried to contact my friends but I guess they are still asleep. I scanned through my phone contacts until I have arrived with letter, 'N'. Hmm..

Niall Horan.

I guess I can try and talk, he has been so close to me since I and Harry became bestfriends. Whenever Harry gets in to troubles, Niall is the one who calls me. I should try and call him, I'm sure he will sorta.. Uhh.. Understand maybe? I just need someone to talk to!

(Ringgggg! Ringgg! He answered)  

Niall: Hello Potato!

He always do that. Rhymes sentences when he is all hyped!

Me: Ni.. Are you busy? 

Niall: Uhm no. My phone woke me up, but it's fine. What's the problem?

He somehow figured it out at the tone of my voice.

Me: (Sniffs) How's Harry? 

Niall: He's not here yet. I thought he's with you?

I can hear Lou talking.. "Harry's not with Catsen?". I smiled with Lou's worried voice.

Me: Tell Lou to sit his big bum down. Haha.  

Niall: Okay mate. But seriously. What happened? 

Me: We were drunk. We can't be aware of what we are doing. (Trying to mock Harry's speech) 

Niall: So.. You mean to say. He was with you last night and..  

Me: Yep.  

Niall: Ohgosh.  


.. And I heard a door slam. "Harry!", shouts Louis.  

Niall: He's here. Wait for me. I'll swing there.

**Hours Later** 

(Door Bell) 

I let him in and he sat at the sofa opening a bag of crisps. "Isn't that supposed to be mine?", I joked. I know he won't share it to me. And you know that too!

I sat next to him while he opens another pack and gave it to me. He reaches for the plastic bag he brought.

"There's more? I'm just glad you came over. I don't know what to do. I'm so stressed out.", I stated. "I brought some chick flicks to watch. And here's an option, Disney Movies. I borrowed em from Liam."

He stared at me longer and added, "I got all afternoon to watch these movies." he smiled, "Thank you, Ni. You're the best.", it automatically left my mouth. "I remember when you used to tell that to Harry. Haha " He joked and laughed. That's just what he is. He laughs at his own jokes.

I rolled my eyes and excused myself to get some juice. I felt dizzy when I stood up. My left knee bent and I almost fell. Screw hangovers. Niall was alerted and he helped me up on my posture again. "Hard time last night, ey?", he said sarcastically and get back on his business. Sitting there and eating crisps.

He turned my TV on and started playing the movies. We watched until 7:00 PM. The last movie we were watching is Toy Story, the latest. Indeed, this is from Liam's collection. The song ended and I turned the TV down. There ain't any lights open. I hurriedly sat on the sofa and turned to Niall. I saw him sleeping. SO IT'S JUST ME WHO'S WATCHING?

"Yo Nigguh. Wake up!"

I drummed in his tummy and he started acting like a ninja. I always go on his tummy because he is so friggin fit even if he eats a lot! That's just unfair.

"What? What?! Where are you?", he asked on his ninja mode. I turned the lights on, "It's time to go sleepy head. You came here just to sleep in the movies you brought. What a good friend.", I teased him. "Very well said.", he said riding my joke.

He fixed his things and ready to go. "Thank you!", I said while opening the door for him. "No prob, I had fun.", "No you didn't. You slept. Where's the fun in that?", he laughed and made his way out of my condo unit.

( To be continued.. ~ Tell me if I still should. ;) x )

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