Update #6 : Than Me..

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It's 8:00 in the morning. "Ni. Hey. Niall. Wake up. Let's go home.", I gently said while pulling his arm. He rubbed his eyes and clear the place.

.. And I thought of Baby Percy.

"We have to get right back home and just hope the boys and Stacey are still asleep.", I joked. "They usually wake up late but nobody beats how late Zayn is.", he laughed while we got in the elevator of the condo.

We got to my door and crossed our fingers. I set off the lock and opened the door silently so no one would hear us.

"So.. How was the runaway date? Good thing you guys returned.", Harry said while slouching at the couch and clicking the tv remote with Percy beside him, playing with his huggy.

"It's not actually a date, mate. You know me, I got hungry so we went out to buy food. We escaped the paparazzi man! We survived!", Niall said trying to cool things down. Harry rolled his eyes and pointed at me, "How about that girl over there? Have she thought of her own son?", he looked at me with that serious face and I ignored him, I picked Percy up and went upstairs. 

Someone opened the door..

"What were you thinking? Leaving Percy? Running away with that guy? WHAT ARE YOU? A TEENAGER? Grow up, life is complicated. Stop acting like a princess being rescued from her responsibility!", he said and gestured with his hands. 

"I did that because I thought you can take care of him like you did last night. I did that because I thought you cared for Percy.", I said and Percy started crying. I buried my face to Percy's back while tears started streaming. 

Harry was still and broke it all off. He walked closer and trying to stop Percy from crying, "Okay. Sorry. It's just that.. You're spending more time with Niall than spending it with..", he cuts and held my hand, "Than me.."

And then everything went in an awkward silence. I pulled his hand closer and ran my hand through his curls. "Niall? You're jealous of Niall? Come here." I pulled him in for a hug. "Hushh now, Harry. Niall? We're just friends."

He sat closer and asked. "You sure?", while playing Percy's hair.


He puts his head on my shoulder and I can smell his honey-like fragrant. The perfume I used to spray on myself everytime I go to Harry's house. It brought a lot of memories, and I closed my eyes for a rest.


One day, while eating lunch with the other guys and of course, Percy.. The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!", volunteered Liam. I smiled at him and he opens the door. I tilted my head to look and all I can see from the dining table is her fancy boots. "Who's there?"

"Ohh.. It's Reggy. Harry! Reggy's here.", shouts Liam.


"Oh. Reggy. Wait up!", Harry hurriedly drop his dining utensils and rushed for a tissue to wipe his mouth. I stared at him while he rushes to that Reggy girl.

He dragged Reggy to a more clearer view. She has a long brown straight hair, a nice posture wearing a hanging top, tight jeans and the fancy boots. "Hey guys, this is Regina.", Harry excitedly declared.

I looked at her from head to toe and I felt a slight boil in my blood. Regina? I thought to myself. OHMYFRIGGIN. REGINA IS HAROLD'S EX. THE ONE HE HAD A HARD TIME FORGETTING.

"How are you, Reg?", Harry faced Regina and asked her to sit down in MY sofa. In MY condo. I stared at them with eagle eyes while tapping my plate with a fork.

"Wait. I lost my appetite.", I stood and carried Percy in my room. I went down and noticed that Reggy is surrounded by the other boys and Stacey. I decided to join them in the opposite sofa.

"I have just finished recording my new album.. And have you heard?", she boasts and I rolled my eyes.

"That the music industry will have a grand ball? You can bring dates!", she added and the other guys cheers to the good news. I looked at Harry, wanting him to invite me.. To be his date at the grand ball. Until Poison Reggy interrupts my momentum. "And hey lads, can I take Harry to the event?" she asked and my eyes widen, I just stood and walked away, pretending that I'm not affected.

(HEY LOVE! Comment #TeamHaTsen for Harry and Catsen while #HaGina for Harry and Regina! Will check soon! x)

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