Update #5 : Oh look, A Leprechaun!

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I turned the lights off. “Goodnight, Harry. And oh, if Percy wakes up in the midnight, his huggy is in the drawer next to you.”, Catsen said with a sweet voice on the other side of the bed. “Goodnight Catsen. Where’s my goodnight kiss?”, I joked and everything went silent. I turned the table lamp on beside the bed and I saw her sleeping already. “Oh look at Sleeping Beauty. Just like old times.”

Catse’s POV

Wow, never imagined this day would come. This is just perfect. Time for sleep! *After hours* I hear someone calling my name. Wait, is that only a dream?

Catsen? Catsen.. Heyy. Hey.

I blinked my eyes half open until everything becomes clear. I’m awake. It’s dark and I can’t see anyone. I stretched my arm to feel Baby Percy, and he’s still there. Sleeping soundly. Who—Who’s that?

Niall: Catsen? It’s me, Niall.

Me: Whe- Where are you? Wait, let me turn on the lights.

Niall: Hey. (While opening the door wide)

Me: Hey, ssup? It’s like 2 in the morning?(rubbing my eyes)

Niall: (Looking inside the room) So, Harry slept here. How did it go?

Me: Let’s just talk about that tomorrow. Go on and rest. (Trying to close the door slowly)

Niall: (Blocks the door) I can’t sleep. And I’m hungry. Let’s go out and buy food please? Oh please.

Me: Are the other lads already sleeping?

Niall: Yep.. and I’ll treat you!

Me: Okay, let me put some presentable clothes on so when the paparazzi chases us again, I’ll look fabulous. Wait, what about Percy?

Niall: His Dad is right beside him, gonna wait for you downstairs, okay?

(I shut the door)

Niall’s POV

FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! Oh, I’m hungry. Thank God, we’re gonna go out and buy something to eat. “Game?”, she said while going down the stairs, fixing her scarf on her neck. “Leggo.”, I said and smiled. She walks towards me, I stare at her with her hair neatly tied up, wearing her blue dress that shows her curves. I can feel my chest tightens, making it difficult to breathe. Could it be? No, I’m not falling in love with Harry’s girl. NO!

*Snap* *Snap* “Hey? Get back on earth! How’s my look?”, she snaps her fingers that brought me back and turned around for me to see her outfit. “Damn girl, you look beautiful.”, and I laughed just for her to lose the thought that I really meant what I said. I laughed again, this time, nervously. “Let’s go!”, and she pulled my arm. Excitedly opening the door and locking it up.

Catsen’s POV

I poked the elevator button and we waited for it to open. “Knock knock.”, and Niall took a step closer. “Who’s there?”, I answered and raised my eyebrow. He went silent and later he muttered, “1.. 2.. 3.. Ting!”, and the elevator door opened and he laughed so hard that he bent his knees while going inside. He stood and stared at me. I wonder what he’s thinking right now. Me? Food, maybe.

He pulls me effortlessly and to his chest. My eyes widen while he put his arms around me, pulling me in for one of those popular Horan hugs. “From the day Harry introduced you to us, I knew someday, you’ll going to be special to me.” And I can hear his heartbeat racing and his hug getting tighter.

“Thank you for trusting me this much.”, that’s all I can say and hugged him back. He slowly let go and smiled at me. The elevator door opened and I grabbed him, “C’mon, Bearhug.”, I teased him. We entered a Chinese restaurant and ate noodles. Didn’t last long because the people found out it’s us so we have to leave the restaurant ASAP.

Before the paparazzi arrive, I pulled him and ran to the back of a building. We started laughing and we can hear flickering of cameras getting closer to where we are hiding so he cornered me with his arms and I buried my face to his broad shoulders to stop laughing until the people are gone. I put my hands on my mouth and breathe relief. He leans popping his head closer to mine while staring at me.

I looked down and said, “Oh look, a leprechaun.”

He looks down and I escaped in the intimate scene. It’s just that he’s so smooth with these kinds of stuffs. I just can’t resist. We both laughed and so we walked like a ninja to exit and go home but they are still there!

We ran as fast as we can and we hide ourselves in a big shady tree. He sits there and pulls me down. “We can’t go home. They’ll see us together. They will make another issue about us, and the management would pull us away again from you. Let’s just stay here for the night.”, he apologizes and taps his side wanting for me to sit there. I stood and went near him and sat. “Aye, Aye, Captain!”, I joked, pulled my hairpin making my hair flows wavy and closed my eyes. He stretched his legs and I can feel his hands running through my hair and moves my head for a rest on his lap.

“Now this is better. Thank you. This was fun, not considering the chasing part. But this is really fun. Thank you, Niall.”, he runs his hands through my hair while I fall asleep.


(Don’t forget to put your comments below. THANK YOU! How about a Niall moment for Catsen huh? x) 

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