Update #1 : Crazy Paparazzi

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(HEY LOVELIES. Thank you so much for the 2 votes, it tells me that it was a good start. So here's the first update! x)


**Monday Morning**

Ugh. I hate Mondays. Why do I even have to go to school. I know being bestfriends with a member of the greatest boyband ever won't even make me excused with these classes.

Pishh. I fixed myself wearing uniform, (sadly, yes because I'm in a top school). White blouse with a big ribbon, red checkered skirt and a high-knee socks and shoes. More like a Korean style. Okay, time to go.

I made my way to the hallway. There's a paparazzi. What the hell's on now? :| Flashing cameras. Ugh. Did some popular dude broke his leg here?

"There she is!", and a reporter ran towards me. "Woah. Woah. What's happening? No. Uhh. No.", I made my way but they are just too many. "Harry was seen leaving your house at 6'oclock AM. What happened?", they said blocking my way. "He's my bestfriend. What could possibly happen? Excuse me, I'll be late in my class.", I stopped to talk and continue pushing myself towards them. "Then Niall was seen the other day, don't say he's your bestfriend too ey? What's the real deal with you and the blonde hottie? Did your bestfriend agree with you dating his bandmate?", they pushed me to a corner, "WTF. Where do you guys get these things?!", I pushed them to make a clear plan of exit in the crowd and I ran to my class.

OMG. And I entered our classroom and they were looking at me like I have killed ten people. What now?!

"You are like the most popular girl now. Bestfriends with 2 out of 5 of One Direction? Hell yeah!", my bestfriend, Stacey jumped into me. Pshh. "You didn't answered my call last Saturday.", I bounced back at her and made a sad look.

** After hours**

"Class.. Dismissed!", our teacher said with joy. Of course, she taught us continuous problem solving until our brains don't know how to soak anymore. I stood and felt a sudden dizziness. Wtf? Seems like the hangover is still within me. We got it really bad. My head hurts and I feel like throwing up so I signaled Stacey that I'm going to the comfort room.

-You know what happened-

Eeeck. Remind me to never get drunk everrrr again! As soon as I fixed my haggard appearance, Stacey came running. "What happened?! You looked exhausted!", she said I look pale. Oh God, it really got into me huh?

Stacey drove me to my condo unit and cooked food for me. "You want me to stay here?", she caringly asked. "Nope. I'm fine.", "You sure?", and after answering her, I did it again. Yuuuuuck! Threw up again. "Okay.. I'm staying.", she said while taking a sip in my soup.

*Phone rings*

"Phone!", and she threw my phone in my lap. "Ouch!".


"Hey. Catsen. How are ya?"

Who's this?

"Hey Bestfriend."

Oooh. Harreh. I'm fine. So..

"I'm sorry about what happened. I'm very sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. Can we pretend that nothing happened? I don't want to ruin this friendship just because of that."

.. And I hung up. Pretend?! So he really doesn't care huh? So much for a happy ending. The next few days I found myself craving for food, easy to drain, short-tempered and always searching for rest.

"Girl.. You trust me? Did something happened the night Harry stayed in your condo? Tell me.." Stacey asked me in a calm voice while holding my hand. "Yeah.. We were both drunk."

"I knew it. You must be pregnant!", she shouted. WHAAAAT THE FUDGE ARE YOU THINKING? ME? PREGNANT AT 17?! I started tearing apart. No. No. No!


Stacey looked at me with teary eyes. Hiding my PT in her back waiting for the clear result. She took a peek at it and I closed my eyes. I can feel her hands holding mine tight.


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