Update #2 : He Looks Just Like You!

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I froze and fainted.

Next thing I know, I'm in a hospital bed and saw a blonde guy entering my room. "How are ya?", he said while looking at the aircon. "Isn't it too cold in here?", he added while attempting to sit on the side of my bed. "Nope, irish man.", and we laughed. "Where's Harry?", I asked him softly and he stared at me. 

"He's fine.", he said while slightly bouncing with the springs in the side of my bed. 

"You playful little leprachaun, quit bouncing, you're makin me dizzy."

"Oh sorry." he stops and put his hands together. 

"Why are you here? Did Harry visited me while I was asleep?"

"Nope.. I've been here since you came, Stacey won't stop calling Harry but he doesn't want to answer. So I came here myself. He doesn't know that you're pregnant." he fakes a smile. 

"Anyway, gotta go. Signing later. Gotta get ready with the lads. Hey if you need anything, text the Nialler, K?" 

"Yeah. Sure."


** 2 Years After **

Harry didn't even showed up.. I don't know if that's his choice or the management won't let him face his son, Percy. My family had a hard time accepting it but they became so happy when they saw my son through video chat because they are in Philippines. 

It's Percy's 2nd birthday. He grew 2 years without a Dad, and he only learned to say 'Mommy' instead of 'Mommy' and 'Daddy'. Who would play basketball and baseball with him when he turns 10? Who would give him advices on how to treat a girl right if he grows up without a father?

He got his father's eyes and curls, he has my hair color and smile. He's really adorable.

.. And I heard flickering flashes of camera outside my building. Ladies shouting. I carried baby Percy and went near the window to look. When we heard the door bell ringing. Stacey opened the door. To my surprise.. It's One Direction! 

I put Baby Percy down to the carpet with his toys to play. "Why are you guys here?", I'm happy and at the same time worried. "Hey!!", Niall said while entering, and they all did one by one. Harry was the last one to enter, looking down but still trying to put a happy face. 

"Who's celebrating?" Lou said while wiping a spare icing from the cake box. "Long time no see.", Liam shakes my hand politely. "Hey Stacey!", Zayn said while putting on a cool face. 

"Zayn, she has a boyfriend!", I joked and he steps backward. "Hey bestfriend.", Harry said, as always in a low and slow tone, but there's something different in his voice. 

"Hey.", I smiled and hugged him. Ohhh. I still feel something towards him.

Yes, I may have hated him but.. The special feeling is still there. I still love him. "Hey little fella.", Niall bended his knees to motion at Baby Percy and he ran his hands through Percy's curls. "Oh. You cutie cutie thing. Is this him?", he asked me. The words slipped through his mouth and attempted to catch it before it sinks in to everyone. 

"Oh..", Niall muttered. "Yes. Isn't he adorable? Today's his birthday.", I said proudly and I looked at Harry. 

The other bandmates looked terrified and shocked. "Is he your son?", Liam said while putting Baby Percy in his arms. "Where's his father?" Lou excitedly asked while getting Percy and Harry's trying to put an eye of his son. Louis stared at Percy and.. "Ohmygosh.", he shouted. "He looks just like you, Harry!"

(To be continued. x)

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