Update #3 : Like Old Times

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Lou hands Harry his son. Niall looked at me as if his eyes are apologizing.

Harry’s POV

“Hey little fella.”, I smiled and pokes his nose. He smiled, what a lovely smile and I felt my heart skipped a beat. Oh God, what was that. I looked at Catsen, looking more matured and grew so beautiful. I wonder if she can still remember what happened until the fall out.

I miss her so much.

I  just want to talk to her, reminisce, I can’t wait to listen to her infinite stories again that takes forever to end. Just like old times, but it’s different. Fate had turned to her so early. Here, in my arms, her son.. and all I thought, she’d wait for me. I’ve survived 2 years without her but it’s not my choice. We have to. My life is different now. I hope if she knew I’m praying for her every night before I sleep. Hoping she’d wait for me. She’d cross in our direction again when the time is right.

To confess, I loved her.. and I still do and always will. I’m just waiting for the right time to tell it to her, but destiny won’t let me. Now, it’s just too late. Too late. She has her own family now and all I can be is to be her bestfriend, just like the old times. So much for a happy ending?

Holding Baby Percy’s soft little hands on mine, a tear streamed down my face. I wiped it with his hand pretending it was nothing. I looked at Catsen and she is staring right back at me. She walked towards me and started playing with Percy while I was holding him.

“One happy family.”, Niall jokes. Yes. This is what it should be. The moment was perfect. I stared at Catsen while she’s playing with her son and Percy laughing is irresistibly cute, the perfect idea of my hopes and dreams right in front of me, but the problem is, this is not our son. Tears me up. For a long time, I thought these feelings will eventually fade, but no. She is still my world.

Back to Catsen’s POV

“Come here and let Harry eat.”, I carried Baby Percy and smiled at Harry. I wonder if he felt something when he carried his son. I wonder what he’s thinking right now. They all sit down and I put Percy down, gave them plates and served them food. “Where’s his Dad?”, Liam asked me. Everyone stared at me.

“Oh, Percy’s dad? He is.. He’s in Singapore.”

“I bet he looks like Harry too.”, and Niall laughed. “Ni, quit joking!”, I stared at him and he is trying to hide his laugh. “Mind if we stay here? Till we find a nice condo unit?”, Zayn interrupted. “Sure, you can stay here as long as you want!”, and my bestfriend Stacey smirks. “You have a boyfriend, Stacey!”, I shouted and we all laughed. “God, but he is Zayn Malik, youuu!”, she threw back. “Okay, excuse me, I’ll just fix these lads’ rooms.”, and made my way upstairs, my condo unit extension. “Oh, we can all stay in the same room.”, Louis said.

“I’ll help you!”, Niall volunteered and Harry looked at him while Niall is walking towards me. “Okay then, Ni. Come with me.”, and I messed with his hair. We both went to the second floor. “Which room do you want to stay in? You choose.”, I asked while hiding my laugh. “I’ll stay with Baby Percy’s room and the 4 lads in this room.” And he pointed to the left room. “So okay, but Percy sleeps with me. We have the same room.”

“Then I’ll sleep in the sofa in your room. I must say, it is very comfy.”

“Oh okay, sure.”

** After hours **

We went down and saw the other lads playing a board game. Liam’s board game. I noticed Harry playing with Baby Percy in the carpet of the living room.

“You haven’t changed. You still love kids.”, I skipped towards them and Niall joined the board game. Percy stood up and hugged Harry. “Percy, you’re really sweet.”, and Harry smiled and hugged him back, Harry looks at me and I looked away. Slightly tearing up. Why am I very emotional when it comes to Harry. I hate this. 

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