9. Unravel (a)

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Third person POV

"Ahahahaha!! That's correct, that's correct! I'm her Papa-san!" The middle aged man says in his overly doting and fatherly tone.

"..Pa..Papa-san....?" Dazai repeats the word in his head.
"I-isn't he embarrassed to say that to a grown woman at her work place....?"

"Father, you're bothering the customers." (Y/N) says, a little embarrassed.

Dazai looks at the pair with lifeless eyes before slumping on the counter and melting away.

"Thank goodness.." He mumbles while sighing a breath of relief. Dazai picks up his glass of whiskey and sips the drink before noticing that the older man had been staring at him with a smiling face and wide eyes.

"Are you (Y/N)-chan's lover?" He asks rather bluntly with sparkling eyes. Hearing this Dazai chokes on his drink and (Y/N), who had been tending to some other customers whips her head around to look at her father in a superhuman speed.

"Father! Don't say such things! You'll end up making my customer uncomfortable. And weren't you saying that you were going to leave 5 minutes ago?" (Y/N) says hurriedly and slightly flustered.

"Now, now (Y/N)! We're finally meeting after such a long time! Let your old man stay around for a while." Mr. Goethe says happily, probably slightly tipsy.
Dazai tilts his head a little confused.

"Do you not live in the city, Mr. Goethe-?" Dazai asks, genuinely curious but then realizes that he shouldn't be putting his nose in someone else's business.
"Ah! Not that it's my place to know about (Y/N)-san's family matters.." He hurriedly continues.

"It's okay, it's okay. (Y/N) doesn't live with us anymore." The man says smiling faintly. Dazai nods in understanding.

"Does (Y/N) resemble her mother?" Dazai asks curiously as he could not find a single similar trait between the older man and the amethyst eyed girl.

The middle aged man had dark blue hair with quite a lot of greying strands here and there and a pair of light brown eyes. He was probably a fine looking gentleman in his younger days. However, (Y/N)'s most notable features were her snow white hair and almost glowing amethyst colored eyes.

"Hmmm, probably. I wouldn't know." The man says while sipping his drink. Hearing this Dazai looks at the man in confusion.

"You don't know?" The brown haired man replies, a little dumbfounded.

Seeing this Mr. Goethe smiles his usual carefree smile before nodding.

        "That's right. (Y/N) is not my own blood. She was adopted into the family."



P.s. sorry for the slow updates. It's cause school is literally sucking my soul outta my body ;-; send help.



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