Chapter Thirty Six- Clarity

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Claire's Pov

The car was in complete  silence and the way in which my best friend glance at me momentarily showed that she knew something was wrong. What I do hope was that my older brother kept that big mouth of his shut and never told her what it was.

Jill would never allow me to step foot in that  wedding she had any idea what Wesker did to me the day before our wedding. Heck, she may just land her ass in jail for assault when she get as much as a finger on Wesker.

"I know you feel nervous young Redfield but the nerves will soon leave you the moment you arrive" Jill stated with a smile as she elbowed me with her free hand playfully.

I swallowed, how much I wish that was true.

"The crowd...what if I forget my vows Jill?" I asked as in the purest truth and while what Wesker did had become a plague I was extremely nervous.

"Claire if you can deal with a man like Wesker I doubt you'll forget your vows" Jill stated as she rolled her eyes and I gave a heavy sigh. 

While Jill took this as a huge joke I was extremely serious about what I said. I was indeed a nervous wreck and while Kimberly dolled me up well there was still apart of me that felt as though I did not look good enough. 

"Don't I look too simple?" I asked and Jill looked at me as though I was asking her if money trees were real. Heck since I was throwing stupid questions I might as well ask her that.

"What? Claire you look amazing. You finally look like a damn woman" Jill stated and I chuckled.

"What the hell does me looking like a girl mean?" I asked and Jill issues a huge grin.

"You know you are far from a lady when it comes to motorcycles and guns" Jill stated as she made a swift turn, our journey ending before my new ride.

The moment I got out firm hands met me, Jill poking her head out.

"Leon take care of my best friend...Claire if he puts his hand were they aren't supposed to call me" Jill stated and Leon actually smiled.

"Tempting but I don't mess with married women" Leon stated as he held onto me gently, me lifting my extremely long dress.

"This is supposed to be a surprise so please don't say a word to that big mouth brother of mine" I begged as Jill back up slowly.

"You secret is safe with me young Redfeild" Jill told me and Leon opened my door for me.

Seeing that Jill drove off safely Leon started the car, the vehicle moving of in an acceptable speed. I kept my eyes on the road, this car being more awkward than the previous.

"You must really love this man" Leon stated and for some strange reason that didn't sound bitter. I looked at him.

"I beg you pardon?" I asked and he glanced at me his his mirror.

"There is no need. Chris told me" he told me and my eyes went wide. For some strange reason I knew exactly what was told but there was a part of me that failed to believe my brother would do such a thing.

"Told you? Tell you what exactly?" I asked and Leon's hand tightened around the steering wheel. Yep, he knew.

"What hurts me the most is that even with all this you still choose to be with a man like this" Leon stated as we approached a stop light, Leon finally facing me the moment the car came to a stop.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I lied and Leon gripped my neck, his thumb stroking a dictate area.

"Faded but still there" he stated firmly and if I wasn't convinced that he knew now I was.

" I know what not to tell him" I hissed as the light changed, Leon's car being the first one to take off.

"Claire I'm the only one he told, while you may not know it I'm one of the few boyfriends you had that your brother actually likes. I'm also his best friend so he would have told me anyhow" he told me and I felt like throwing a car tire at my brothers head.

One that would knock his lips off.

"He was only angry, Weaker is not a monster" I told Leon softly and Leon shook his head at me.

"While we argued often I would never use something beautiful as sex to punish or hurt you" Leon told me and I gave him a distasteful glare.

"Maybe if Chris and everyone else didn't put you on a fucking pedestal my husband would feel no need to demonstrate dominance!" I hissed and Leon stared with wild eyed.

"Albert may have done some terrible things but if anyone of you guys took the time to understand him the way I do then you understand exactly what made him the man he is! That man is a troubled boy and while it's not my duty to fix him I'm willing to take that risk" I stated firmly as I stared at Leon who came to a stop at another traffic light.


"If you truly love someone and they expose their weakness to you instead of running from their demons you help them face those demons. Sure he has a temper and yes I will admit that this is not his first time putting his hands on me but when you love someone you don't just give up on them." I stated as my voice cracked.

"Many are only at the wedding because of me and while deep down I know my friends and family will never accept my lover I'm still going to marry that man. Anybody placed in his situation would turn out the exact way he did" I stated firmly and Leon's eyes dimmed.

"I'm sorry our marriage never worked Leon and I'm sorry for all the havok Wesker brought forth upon us but sit here and lie to me by saying the man who made a mess in Raccoon City is the one I'm marrying today" I stated and when Leon touched my hand I stared at him.

"Claire...Chris is angry but not stupid. He knows when a man loves a woman Claire. We all saw the change in Wesker four years ago" Leon told me and his slight smirk caused me to smile.

I was unsure before but now I knew that I was doing the right thing.

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