Chapter Fifty Five- Strength and Weakness

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The photo is not mine and I must thank the creator ;)

Albert's POV

The moment the I no longer felt a piercing pain in my neck I realized that all control they had was lost. I was no longer a stranger in my own body.

I could move my fingers and just about any part of my body freely.

My hand gripped my wife's throat, a wife I could not protect as they held the power to manipulate my body's every movement. They used my body just like a vessel of mass destruction.

Then again it was, only difference was I had no control over the destruction caused.

Claire spat blood, my hand leaving her throat the moment I fully realized what had happened. My fists were shaking like a leaf and so was my wife.

What had I done?

My eyes fell on three unconscious bodies; Jill, Christopher and Ada. Each body held some form of weapon which apparently failed to defend.

They all wore various bruises and it was quite clear that Ada was hit over the head with something. Well it was the reason she was quiet just now so I actually don't mind the brutality.

At least she wasn't bleeding.

"It...worked" Claire breathed as stared up at me, a small digital bug in her hand. She crushed the device, the bruises on her body slowly healing as her chest rose and fell.

"I almost killed you" I told her as I stood, my hand reached towards her. She gripped my arm firmly, my long sleeve shirt suffering greatly.

"I was the only one who could take you"she told me as I stared down at her.

"Agreed" I replied because to be honest I did infect her, she could take every hit I gave better that anyone else present. I gripped her throat firmly, my forehead on hers gently.

"Let Ada take that risk because I was about to puncture you with my fucking knife" I told her as I pulled back to stare at her.

I waved the knife before her gently but her eyes were simply fixed on me. My gaze fell to her blouse that was destroyed, her cleavage now on display.

She gasped, her lower lip between her teeth. She licked my thumb, my eyes all over the place.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

"We have to move" I told her as I stared at her with dim eyes, Claire giving an equivalent stare.

"I know" she told me as she straightened her posture. She took gazes around at the street that was rather lonely.

Too lonely.

"What about Jill, Chris and Ada. You knocked them out remember" she reminded me and I cocked a brow.

Was that so?

She says that as though they may never return to us. Well, I don't quite remember what actually occurred so it could be likely.

Quite unfortunate if that was the case.

"How unfortunate Claire" I told her and the face she made was not one of amusement.

"If you insist" I stated as gazed between cars. Now was the time we had to work with one car for our journey.

I walked briskly to our unconscious friends, Jill Valentine being pulled upwards by the fabric she wore and the the moment I was at open door o the car.

There goes Valentine on the back seat like a mishandled doll. Claire's eyes went impossible wide as I moved on to Christopher and Ada who were now being drawn by the ankle.


So my wife decided to straighten the three figures in the back seat which was really a waste of time because the would straighten the moment they opened their eyes and discovered their position. Claire would always be the humanitarian in this marriage.

I gazed ahead , the woman next to me silent which was quite rare. I knew she was upset about something but I would not be the one to uncover that grave.

"Where are you taking us?" I was asked and I glanced at Claire through the mirror.

So I was still the killer after all these years.

"Why is it so hard for you to trust me?" I asked because honestly falling in love with her and marrying her was not my intention years ago.

Why would I want to kill her? Why now of all times?

"I trust you but why the hell is it so hard for you to trust me?" She yelled and my eyes drift to the three pairs of eyes in the back seat. She followed my gaze but carried on regardless.

"Everything with you is a big secret Albert and there are so many damn things you keep hidden at home. For all I know you could be cheating on me and you..." And I slammed the breaks of the car, my arm outstretched to prevent Ada from flying through the windshield.

Cheating? How could that possibly be a variable in this equation.

"Claire" I called softly.

"Yes?" She replied with a spike of excitement.

"Am I so hard to reach that Lucifer sent you to wreck my every nerve?" I asked and Jill and Ada choked on laughter in the back seat.

Claire shot them a rather nasty glare.

"I don't nag you asshole" she replied rather sweetly and I wonder as to why she saw the news to expose my middle name.

"You do. You go off about everything possible so let me clear things a bit up for you" I gripped her wrist, Claire being pulled close enough so our nose me.

I gazed at her lips but averted my gaze immediately before she realized what I had done. Claire's gaze fell to my lips.

"Awkward..." Ada mumbled and I grit my teeth. Maybe if she had kept her damn mouth shut I would have forgotten that she was in the back seat.

"On second thought we shall discuss in due time" and with that said I release her, my eyes fixed on the road once again.

My wife went back to butter silence and the only sound came from the car I was driving.

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