Chapter Thirty Seven- Bond

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Albert's Pov

I waited. This was something I held the highest bitterness towards but on this very day I found myself doing it.

I had the patience of a man late for work in a bumper to bumper traffic. As a result I fidgeted because she should have been here by now.

Cleary I saw when Jill left to retrieve my lover.

I waited for about fifteen minutes yet the bride still had not made her entrance even though the bridal party had already made their entrance. Where was Claire?

"Relax" Ada mouthed the moment my eyes fell on each and everyone gathered here in a wild manner. If only she knew how each and every one of my internal organs were beginning to fail because in truth, where was my lover?

Would she really choose this as a method to get back at me?

The priest seemed just as baffled as I was as he kept looking in the direction Claire should appear from. I crinkled my nose as I stare on wildly, Jack who was my best man...

Wait a second, where the fuck was Jack? That man held my ring.

I rubbed my palm against the material of my pants as I recite my vows mentally, was my to be wife truly leaving me on the day of our wedding? I had she chosen to start a different life on her own and this wedding granted her the perfect opportunity?

The moment I heard the wedding march came on my entire body jerked, Claire's face hidden by a veil as she was being escorted by the only person who could take the honour that belonged to her deceased father. Her older brother, Christopher Redfield.

The crowd went into excitement as I finally relaxed and focussed on the woman approaching me. She was absolutely stunning in white and while her face was partly cover she looked beautiful.

Blue eyes fell on me and I held her gaze. The priest smiled the moment the march ended and the moment we were close enough to each other.

"Ladies, gentlemen, children, pleasant greetings to all. We are gathered here to watch man become husband and woman become wife. Marriage is a holy and sacred union and must be taken as such as now we no longer have two before us but one. Miss Redfield, Sir Wesker lets move along shall we?" the priest opened and on the ending note we both nod our heads.

He turned the page of the text, my palms sweating increasingly as I stared at Claire. She smiled nervously and I stared at her wildly, was she truly in love with me?

"This reading comes from Corinthians 13; 4-8. It reads thus; Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always projects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. Love never fails. " he read as Claire and I were now holding hands.

Claire and I stared at each other, our cue being given when the priest smiled at us.

"Love yesterday, today and forever" We both stated in a firm manner, our eyes fixed as I gently squeezed her hand.

"So they are no longer two but one. Therefore what God has joined let man not separate Mathews 19; 6" The priest stated whereby a moment of silence followed.

"Vows center your marriage and with that said they should be taken seriously. Let your vows not be a promise but an oath of endless love. Now we move on to the vows of this lovely couple, lady Redfield" the priest stated with a smile.

"Gosh I'm nervous" Claire stated and only if she knew how my liver was shaking than she would know what nervousness is.

"Honey you don't have to be!" Jill screamed and when all I faced her she sunk in her chair. The priest gave a not so pleased look and Claire gave a wide smile.

She gazed up at me.

"Albert Wesker, I believe in time conducting destiny and that's exactly what happened with us. I met you and I regret nothing about our meeting. I am in love with the man I stand before today and I am quite confident in his love for me. I know you have internal battles and while the world is against you I will always be by your side..." she broke, her eyes filling with water and my heart drummed in my chest.

I held her cheek, my throat feeling bitter as I stared down at her.

"...I want to grow with you and as we take this huge step from lovers to husband and wife I must confess that I am nervous. Waking up to you each and every morning is my greatest wish. I admire every single thing about you, the way in which you smirk and the way in which your eyes sparkle when you look at me." She tolled me as tears stroller her face.

"I will love you until the breath leaves my legs lungs. I love you Albert, now and forever. I'm ecstatic that you chose to make me Mrs Wesker" she carried on and I didn't even realize that I was crying until I placed my forehead against hers and my tears fell on her nose.

She chuckled, everyone around finding amusement in me crying as soon after an applause came.

As soon as everyone had calmed down I pinched the bridge of my nose. This was my cue to write my vows.

"I don't deserve you. Never have I seen someone so pure and I'm truly grateful for you loving me. You are the first woman I've shared many things with and I'm proud. I have never been fear to you and..." And that's where I found my breaking point. I was on my knees before I knew it.

"Claire I'm asking for you, I want to be the man you spend the rest of your life with. I'm a rather difficult man but I am willing to learn everything you are willing to teach Claire. Every time I look at you I see how lucky I am to have you. I never believed in love until I met you Claire and I'm thankful for every beautiful thing you have given me, that includes my two little blonds. I love you Claire and the rest of my life is now yours. My love for you is endless" I told her and her fingers locked in my hair immediately.

The priest cleared his throat and I stood immediately. It was now time for the exchange of the rings and I could see how nervous my wife was.

Shot! Now it was time for the rings and Jack wasn't even...

I was quite surprised to turn and face Jack holding my rings. I narrowed my eyes at him as I took the rings.

Claire got her ring from Jill, Claire turning to face me with a smile.

"Now we seal this bond in the way seen fit, with this ring, I thee wed" the priest stated firmly as we exchanged rings.

"I know pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest stated firmly and Claire was around my waist in no time.

My tongue entered her mouth the moment her head lowered but when her body shook in my arms I knew she still feared me. Her lips trembled on mine and I cried in silence.

My wife was going to fear me for the rest of her life.

The moment Claire was off me I took her hand in my own. Next to me was the woman I would spend the rest of my life with.

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