They'll Find You At The Worst Of Times

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That night Aziraphale and Crowley slept surrounded by warm, soft feathers. Sweet words of love were exchanged between the two.

The next morning's sunlight was unwelcomed. Aziraphale knew he had things to do though, and so did Crowley. They promised each other that they'd meet up at the Ritz that night.

Aziraphale spent most of the day in his bookshop. It was quiet for most of the day. That was until the books began violently flying off the shelves.

"Crowley? There's no need to scare me like that, dear."

The next thing Aziraphale knew a hand laid on Aziraphale's shoulder. A low voice growled in his ear, "Not your demon, Aziraphale. Guess again."


Aziraphale's wings flew out in shock. It was natural for him to do that. Some kind of fight or flight response.

Gabriel smirked and said, "Yes, Aziraphale. We upstairs were just wondering what was happening down here, with you particularly."

Aziraphale nervously smiled and said, "Oh, things have been just fine Gabriel."

Gabriel glimpsed at Aziraphale's wings. He sighed, "Aziraphale, your wings. Those are the brightest shade of white I've ever seen them."

Aziraphale said, "Oh yes, they do look quite nice."

"What a shame you can't have nice things."

Gabriel slowly began to pluck Aziraphale's wings.

Aziraphale screamed for help as Gabriel pulled white feathers out one at a time.

Nobody was around though. Nobody could save Aziraphale, not even himself.

Aziraphale was left on the floor to cry alone. He went all day like this. His wings had spots of dried blood in them. Pain shot all over his body. He just wanted Crowley.

Occasionally he'd shout for Crowley. He knew that the demon was no where near though.

It was awful lucky that Crowley had stopped by the bookshop to pick up Aziraphale.

"Crowley! Crowley please help me!"

Crowley recognized his angel's cries. He didn't hesitate when he ran to Aziraphale.

He asked, "What happened Aziraphale? Who did this to you?"

Aziraphale placed his head in Crowley's lap and responded, "It was Gabriel. Gabriel destroyed everything. I couldn't do anything. I'm so weak Crowley."

Crowley looked at Aziraphale's wings. He miracled a warm rag and a bowl of water. The demon spoke, "You're not weak, Aziraphale. Don't ever believe that."

Crowley dragged the wet rag over Aziraphale's wings. He tried to be as soft as he could, but he was full of rage. He did his best to offer support to his angel. He sighed, "At least you still have some feathers. I'll see what I can do with them. Just wait angel."

Crowley rubbed Aziraphale's cheek. Aziraphale asked, "What are you going to do? I'm ruined."

"You're not ruined Aziraphale, don't say that. I should have been here for you."

Tears began to roll down Crowley's cheeks. He began to think back to his final days in Heaven. Aziraphale began to think of the archangel Raphael, his favorite fallen angel.

"You're ruined Raphael!" Gabriel shouted. The ginger angel screamed back, "No, I'm not! I'm just as good of an angel as you are! Maybe even better!"

Raphael and Crowley had been known to fight. They had never got along, ever since they were created. No matter what anyone said to either of them, they couldn't make any sort of peace agreement.

Raphael also had some kind of tendency to smile whenever he saw an angel named Aziraphale. While Aziraphale never took notice of Raphael's soft smiles, the two did not go unnoticed by each other. Raphael, now Crowley, didn't remember much of it, but Aziraphale did.

He remembered the way Raphael would be assertive yet soft. He remembered the way Raphael took care of him. He remembered how Raphael stood up to Gabriel for him.

"Why won't you let Aziraphale learn how to fly? Why won't you let the others learn to fly? Why is this part of the ineffable plan? It doesn't sound ineffable!"

Most of all he remembered how Raphael taught him to fly. Aziraphale and Raphael were out together. The freshly created stars hung overhead.

"Now Aziraphale, I know I don't have long up here, but I'm going to teach you to fly. I know it will hurt, and I know you're not ready to, but you have to."

Aziraphale spread his sore wings and said, "I'm as ready as I can be for you."

Raphael adjusted Aziraphale's wings and said, "You'll be fine. Just try going up."

Aziraphale did his best to leap into the sky. He couldn't though.

"Am I too fat, Raphael?"

Raphael shook his head and said, "No, it's not that. Use your wings, just kind of lean into it."

Aziraphale did his best to follow all of Raphael's instructions. By the time Raphael had grown too sickly to stand, Aziraphale was in the sky.

His landing was a little rough, but that was expected. Raphael smiled and said, "You did great, Aziraphale. You're going to be just like other angels. You'll fit in eventually, I promise."

"Are you going to fall now, Raphael?"

The archangel closed his eyes and said, "I have to. I can't stay here."

Aziraphale swallowed his nerves and kissed Raphael's cheek.

"Have good luck down there. You'll need it. And thank you."

Raphael nodded and said, "I will need it."

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