Chapter 5

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??? P.O.V

I'm a little confused. ok, I'm SO confused. I mean like, what is she doing? I know, I know, she knows those spell things, but what?
OK I better just watch.

I was standing there, leaning to the wall, crossing my hands and having the 'what in the world' face.
She said some, I don't know, weird formulas.
"are you sure this will work?" I asked nervously.
"don't worry, dear. it will work eventually. we just have to wait, it will take time to heal him completely"

~~20 days later~~

Donnie's P.O.V

I was in my lab, pacing back and forth.
'hmm..what should I get for Leo's birthday?'
I looked at my calendar.
'i have only 5 days left for his birthday'
I then came up with an idea. I pulled out my little LED lights, and put them on my table.
'this is gonna be perfect!'
I pulled out my blue and red paints out and colored LEDs. One red, then one blue, then red, then blue till it was over.
I put the LEDs in a box then gift wrapped it with scientist textures. I chuckled a little, but it faded when I remembered the gift's purpose.
I put it aside and made my way to my computer, sighing a heavy one.

Mikey's P.O.V

I was thinking, thinking about the gift I made myself for leo.
'is this a good idea? Or it will bring him back memories?'
I sighed.
'at least I tried.'
I looked at the shirt again. I drew a picture of us, when we were eating pizzas. My brothers don't know yet, but I'm a really talented artist.
'wait, do we turtles even wear shirts? Eh, good thing it's an XX large one.'

I wrap the shirt up with pizza gift wrappings, and the tie the ribbon like a heart and put it away.
'now, let's watch some TV'

Splinter's P.O.V

Couple days later, my eldest son will turn to 17,ah, time flies fast.
I prepared him two katana blades, but this ones are not just two simple katanas.
I have wrapped a black and blue, around the handle of it, along with some red strings; for him to remember that Raphael is always in his heart.
I sigh as i clear my mind for a deep meditate.

Leo's P.O.V

*flash back*

"c'mon leo! It'll be fun!"
"are you sure this is good idea raph?"
"f'course I am! Now jump fearless!"
He gulps and jumps down, but he loses balance.
raph panics, but he doesn't stand there, he runs to where leo gonna hits, turns out it's a big sewer water hole.
he jumps, hitting leo aside and falls to that hole.
He jumps in the water, catching raphael and brings him to the top.
"Raph, don't you DARE do that again, ok?!"
"o-ok big bro *cough*"

*end of flash back*

He broke his promise. I look at our old pictures when we were 11, raph always had a smile when I was in the picture. I smiled a weak one, and put the pictures away.
'I hope you're doing great in heaven, Raphie.'
I then fall asleep, having non-stop dreams about his return and knowing that it wouldn't be real.

To be continued..

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