episode six

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The wind blew through my curtains  swaying it around, as it whistles making a ghostly sound, I didn't hear cause I was deep in my thoughts.

the door that leads outside my balcony suddenly creaked opened  like someone was there making that disturbing sound. the door swung opened wide as massive wind blew in bringing  leaves and sheets scattered all over my floor.

I hissed rolling out of bed “ I didn't leave this door open” I said placing a hand on my hip with a raised brow “ stupid wind left a mess in my room” I said walking towards the door shutting it.

I turned and jumped out in fear “ Oh my dear lord!” I shouted. My heart was racing fast in my chest placing a hand on it “ you gave me such a fright old woman” I said sitting down on my bed.

The old woman looked calm as an owl, she held a long stick with both arms starring closely at me, she was really old. wrinkles all over her face and hands looks rather soft mere seeing, you could easily prickle it with a needle

I smiled “ so! How's life?” I asked grinning widely at her. She held a straight face saying nothing, not moving at all. She was mute but was watching me closely with her wide black terrifying eyes “ you didn't keep to your words this time child” she finally said.

I became weak aware of what she meant I sighed heavily brushing a hand in my hair “ I know, I was busy lately and things were kinda complicated for me right now ” I replied “ you were told whom to sacrifice weren't you?” said the old woman I looked at her standing up facing to her direction

“ maybe I don't want to do this anymore ” I confessed “ I've worshipped you guys for long, I've done everything possible as your command...” the old woman hissed smiling as she cocked her head sideways staring deep into my eyes.

I felt so cold all of a sudden, I began to shiver as I find it hard to breath. It was like someone held on to my throat chocking me blurring my vision. I needed air  as my eyes began to turn to the back of my head.

Falling down on my knees, I saw my life flash through my eyes. Was I dying. Are they finally going to kill me for not obeying their commands. My lungs tightened hard, there was no air left in me “ P-pl-please i-i'll do it j-just st-stop” the words came out rough and hard in my throat.

I gasped hard and fast, as I began to cough continuously. It hurts so bad that my body trembled in anxiety. I fell on the ground trying to hold on to my breath “ this is just a warning Hameeda! Do what we ordain or you shall pay the price ” she echoed.

I turned trying to get a view of the old woman, pfft she was gone. Disappeared into thin air.

I felt bad, I hated myself. I knew if I don't do what they ask, they will not hesitate to hurt me. I have to do it, I have to make the sacrifice. I don't have a choice.

I isolated myself, not in the mood for anything. I looked worn out and exhausted. Didn't want anyone asking questions. I've being in the department for far too long I was sitting in the back Conner of the class looking bored and angry.

My phone ranged severally, it was Hussein Calling. I ignored it as I kept thinking of a possible way out this. I can't, I can ever leave this life that I've chosen for myself.

The only possible way out of this is either I make the sacrifice or give them my soul, which am not read to do that just yet. I groaned hard out of frustration as I got on my feet wandering around the class.

Hussein kept calling over and over, am not ready to answer his questions just yet. And am sure he's got dozens of them, my phone beeped and  blinked turning on my screen and viewing his message

I hope you have a good explanation for rejecting my calls, where are you Hameeda everyone is worried sick about where you've being all day. Am worried too, please call me if you received this message or better still come so we can talk about what's bothering you’  it read.

I groaned harder as I threw my phone on the walls scattered on the floor. I can't do this. Am not going to let anything stand in my way am not ready to die yet am too young for that now. I have to make the sacrifice today. I have to do it no matter what.

I glanced at my wrist watch and it was noon. I hurriedly got my bag and walked out of the lecture room straight to my car. Turned on the engine before stepping on the pedal driving away as fast as I can.

I went back home hurriedly walking to my room  shutting it with a key. Went to my closet, and got out my night outfit.

I wore on my  tight black jean with a black hoodie, black snickers and gloves. I looked ready for work, ready for sacrifice and get my reward. I went to the closet that was close to my mirror, it had everything I needed for the sacrifice.

My Axe, medium size cutlass, a butcher knife and a big black wrapping bag for the body.

I got a powdery substance from a small red cloth, and blew it on my mirror, chanting some words. Then it began, the mirror magically was turning black and red “ show me the one whose blood was choosing and  will live his entire life as bait to the  other world”  I exclaimed staring at the mirror patiently waiting.

Suddenly, the image was on view I  gasped holding my mouth with wide terrifying eyes. “ No! No! No! No......” I began to tremble, sweat all over me, it can't be, I shook my head as tears rolled down my cheek.

“ why! why! Do you have to ruin my life” I screamed walking back as I sat on my bed, terrified of what I saw, I cried endlessly and screamed.

Mother might have heard me  cried. She banged on my door severally “ Hameeda open the door, what's wrong darling ” she said “ am so sorry mother, I've failed you”  I said “ am a bad person ” I cried “ no you're not baby , please open the door and talk to me”  I shook my head crying out my heart.

I laid on the floor whimpering and shivering trying to control myself. What have I done? I kept on asking myself, where have I gone wrong. An hour later, I decided to walk out of the house and drive far away from home.

I sneaked out not wanting to let mom know I was leaving the house. I immediately got to my car and drove out not minding to close the gates.

Hey guys sup! Who do you think Hamida saw in the mirror? Would she really leave town and forget about her poor old mother?
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