episode seven

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I drove fast and recklessly not minding the curse and horn I received.

My heart was filled with hurt and regret.

It ached beating fast, didn't know what to do, I can't run away either “ oh God help me”  I sniffed as I tried to get a tissue from a box that was on the passengers seat, I didn't see where I was going.

I lost control of the wheels and slammed into a nearby tree.

I crashed hard,  went unconscious and numb.

I became conscious when I heard faint noises.

Where was I? I said mentally to myself.

I tried to open up my eyes but find it hard to do so, I tried to move but felt a sharp pain in my right arm. Where was I? I asked mentally.

“ would she be okay? ” I heard a familiar voice asking “ she'll be alright, she had just minor injuries but she'll live ” a woman replied to him and walked away as I heard her footsteps fade away.

I moved my hands and tried to open up my eyes, when I sighted a blur image standing before sitting by my side.

My eyes were now on view as I turned and saw the person sitting by me.

I blinked twice before resting my head to the side facing him.

He smiled sweetly before leaning closer stroking my cheek. Staring at me with contentment and lust.

I felt weak and tired my body ached with every move I tried to make.

“ you're gonna hurt yourself if you try moving, you need to rest” he said with a promising tone.

He just sat there with his hands on my forehead caressing, loving every moment, staring at me in away his never done before.

I like this, I want it to last forever I don't know why I've never gave him my time I felt bad.

He was a man, a man who cared about me and what have I given in return? Nothing.

Hussein was perfect. He has always being the one who cared most.

The one who made my business his even though I've never trusted him before to tell him my situation.

I feel so ashamed and devastated about it.

I closed my eyes shut as I swallowed hard trying to get a grip of myself.

“ are you okay?” he asked I turned staring into those gorgeous eyes of his I nod. “ you sure you're okay Hamee?” he asked again I smiled showing him I was okay.

He didn't ask any questions about how I got myself into this mess.

No all he did was care for me until I was up and ready.

He spent days and night at the hospital with me until I was discharged.

I was okay but there were bruises on my cheek bone and my left eye is still swollen.

I have sprain my left leg so the doctor said I would have to stay indoors for some days before walking again.

Hussein walked me to his car, opening the passengers door for me before jogging to his side.

He hopped in shutting the door and starting the engine.

He turned smiling at me “ so where to? Ur mother's ?” he asked “ No!..” I replied abruptly.

He stared with wide eyes raising both brow “ why not? ” he asked I sighed resting my head no my hand.

“ Hamida why don't you want me to take u home?” he asked I shut my eyes tightly rubbing my temple. “ could you please take me away from here, not my house” I replied staring through the window.

He said okay before igniting and driving away.
It was an hour drive.

We got to a house which could be a family house of his cause it was huge.

It was a big mansion surprisingly, no one was home. I got into the living room and I was in awe.

It was simply exquisite. I sat on the large brown leather sofa that was place in the middle of living room resting gracefully on it pleased and at ease.

Hussein walked into one of the rooms before coming out to see him changed in a black sweatpants with a white tank top with the word cool written on it.

I smiled at him  looking how boyish and attractive he looked. His hair was damped, he sat on the other two by two sofa grinning at me.

“ no one's home?” I asked “ no ones ever home ” he replied I nod my head staring at the center rug that was placed in the middle of the living room.

It looked very creepy and frightening, it was dark with a big white skull with red stain on the side.

What kind of a werido would have something so creepy in the middle of his living room I thought “ are they on holiday or something? ” I asked not looking his way “ this is my house Hamida” he said, I immediately turned facing his direction.

He kept a cool calm face still smiling.

I widen my eyes still nodding my head “ you should rest for now” he added “ I'll take you to ur room” he said as he stood up and motion me to follow him.

I did same walking behind him as we walked up to the upper part of the house and showed me to my room.

I walked in with satisfaction on my face, I love the room. It was simple but complex in a different way.

I smiled turning to thank Hussein but his expression said otherwise he didn't smile or regard me as he used to. 

He kept a straight face staring at me with both hands in his pants.

I swallowed hard knowing he was going to start with the questions.

I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest, my hands began to sweat rubbing it to my side to take the damp off.

He kept staring not saying a word. I felt uncomfortable with that, my eyes wandered around the room trying not to make eye contact with him.

It was a failure, every time I try not to look his way I find my eyes searching for his.

His beautiful dark eyes bore into mine making my heart melt in an instance. This time I didn't look away.

I stared into his. Every moment that I've being seemed to passed by so fast but this, this was taking me to a different world entirely.

I won't mind standing here forever having such feelings in me. He was amazing but right now, at this moment he wasn't smiling or regarding me.

He glared at me now folding his arms.

“ are u okay?” I asked concerned taking all of his cuteness. I'll have to admit he looks cute when upset “ you know am not Hamee I need answers”

he said standing straight still looking puffed out. I know what he meant I'll just have to pretend I know nothing of what he was talking about.

“ please elaborate on what u meant” I said raising my hand in mid air.

He sighed frustrated stroking his hair “ I don't know what you want me to say, I don't know what you want me to do am just so so confused, and I need answers ” I raised a brow rolling my eyes as I sat on the king sized bed sighing hard.

If I don't tell him what he needs to know, he'll keep on bugging me asking questions. But I can't tell him, I can't share my deep secrets with him.

I don't know if I can trust him, and am starting to have feelings for him which is kinda awkward right now.

“ am sorry Hussein I can't tell you anything ” I said lowering my gaze on him. I don't want him to see me weak and vulnerable, I am strong I won't let my weaknesses show.

He should know that am a strong woman and can deal with whatever situation I find myself in well hopefully.

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