Field trip to SI 3/3

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T.W- Bullying

(Peters P.O.V)

We arrived at the conference room on the lower levels. Excited chatter coming from everyone around me.

We get in and everyone sits down.

I drag MJ and Ned to the back and sink into my chair wanting the world to swallow me.

5 minutes later all; and I mean ALL my family arrives on stage.

Dad aka Tony Freaking Stark walks forward and says "Hello young people I would introduce myself but you know me so. Questions".

Every hand shots up even MJ's but not mine.

After 20 minutes Flash is picked.

Oh god help me.

Flash looked at me and smirked, dad and aunt Nat seeing this and looking over and catching my eye.

They smile at me and soon my whole family has seen me.

Oh no.

Flash speaks up "can high schoolers get an internship here" he asked.

Dad looked at me but replied with "No you must be in college or above."

Flash turns and looks at me before screeching "I KNEW IT PENIS PARKER. HOW COULD YOU GET AN INTERNSHIP. YOU LYING BITCH."

All eyes turn to me and I pray to uncle Thor above that I could vanish, but alas here I am with all my family holding murderous looks in their eyes.

"What did you just say son," Steve asks coldly.

Flash seems pleased and unaware of the glares he is receiving.

"Well you see. Penis over there said he had an internship here and I needed to prove him wrong to save your company. Why would anyone want him when you can have me," he replies smugly. 

I look over and see Bruce a bit green and leaving. Steve holding Bucky back looking conflicted. Fury building in dad's eyes. Thor with lighting sparking around him. Loki and Wanda have magic dripping from their hands. Nat holding her knives and twirlling them.

Oh lord Flash is gonna die.

"What did you say," auntie Nat says in a sickly sweet voice.

Flash turns and smirks at me but then he sees Tony walking toward him.

He roughly grabs Flash by his collar and brings him to the front.


Flash visibly pales and is now shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. "Y-y-your son-n," flash stutters.

All eyes go wide at this news and look to Peter.

"Yes my son and their nephew," he points to the avengers all glaring and let me tell you if looks could kill he would be at the bottom of hell.

I stood up and went toward my family trying to calm them down. In less then a second I am engulfed in hugs.

Dad looks to the class then the teacher and says "I hope you have good lawyers, all of you out now. And Peter is staying."

Mr Harrington only nods quickly and walks out with everyone on his heels.

Ned looks at me and smiles and MJ looks and smirks.

Everyone turns to me and makes me explain.

So I do; I tell them everything.

We all hug and go to the penthouse having pizza and movie night.


Let's just say Flash never bothered me again



-A/N- I hope you like it.
-M xx

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