Tired= Skip School

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A/N- I'm physically and mentally exhausted and it's only going to get worse. Fun.

T.W- Exhaustion? bullying.

Summary-School is getting a little too much for Peter, he is exhausted, so taking one insignificant day off shouldn't do any hurt right. Right?

(Peter's P.O.V)

I am so tired, I have been doing so much recently that I just haven't had the time to actually sleep properly.

With spending most my day at school, doing homework into the night and then patrolling until early morning there is never time for me to get more than two hours of sleep a night.

And oh Gods am I tired. 


I stumble into the living room, it's only 9 in the evening and yet I'm ready to pass out.

The past few nights I haven't even been getting an hour of sleep.

I see dad sat there, working on something and trip toward him.

Without hesitation I fall into him, burying my face into his chest, already drifting off. 

I feel him jump, but instantly wrap his arms around me and carding his hand through my hair.

"You tired bud," he asks, his voice holing a little amusement.

I only groan in response, not having enough energy to actually respond as I start drifting to sleep.

I can feel his arms tighten around me slightly as he says, "have you been sleeping?"

I just lightly shake my head. 

"Go to sleep Petey. You can have tomorrow off school," Dad says.

I try to protest but my eyes don't work and I fall, for the first time in a while, into a peaceful deep sleep. 


"Petey, time to wake up," I hear someone say, and a hand on my face.

I crack my eyes open and see my dads face, obviously having had coffee as he doesn't look tired.

I yawn and stretch, he laughs and says, "morning lazy head."

I stand up and mumble a "morning," before walking into the kitchen and pouring some apple juice and grabbing some already made pancakes from the side.

My dad walks in not long after and says, "do you want to work in the lab today."

I stare at him, shovelling pancakes into my mouth.

With my mouth full I say "obviously."

He nods but gives me a look to say not to talk with my mouth, I swallow down my pancakes and mumble, "sorry."


It hits 12 and we are now in the lab, working on new suits and just having a laugh.

AC/DC is playing loudly (but not loud enough to hurt me or not hear each other) in the background and I look down to my Spiderman suit I'm trying to fix. 


Time seems to pass quickly as my stomach growls, I look to the clock and see it says 1 o'clock.

I turn to dad and say, "can we go get some food?"

"Sure kiddo. But we will have to go to the cantine, I don't want to talk to Clint right now," dad says as he stands and walks away, me close behind.

I laugh at what he says as Clint had annoyed dad that morning so he doesn't want to talk to him. 


When we walk into the cantine I can't help but take note of the crowd of teenagers in the corner, chattering away with each other.

Just as we get into line my dad gets a call, he rolls his eyes and pulls it out, "I'll be back in a few. Can you get me my usual?" He asks.

I nod as he walks away answering his phone. 

Just as I'm about to order from the machine I hear the one thing I didn't want to hear.

"Penis. Is that you," Flash says, pushing me harshly.

I groan and turn around, an evil smirk growing on his face.

"Go away Flash, please," I say to him, hoping my dad won't get back and see this or FRIDAY tell him. 

He scoffs and pushes me again saying, "what did you just say to me."

After he said that he pushes me hard enough to send me stumbling and falling.

As soon as I hit the floor I see the door open and my dad walk in, oh great. 

When his eyes land on the scene I see fire ignite his eyes as he glares dangerously to Flash.

When Flash sees my dad his eyes light up, looking down at me with an amused look.

My dad stalks coldly over to us, as soon as he reaches us his eyes soften and carefully pulls me up, "you okay Pete," he asks looking at me with concerned eyes, I nod and say, "I'm fine dad."

He hums slightly then turns to a shocked Flash, "did you push my kid," dad asks in a tone I have never heard, not good.

"N-no sir," Flash stutters out, now knowing he has messed up big time.

Dad laughs coldly and says, "yeah. No. You pushed my kid. You shouldn't have done that. I know what you have done to him Eugene. Mess with my kid one more time and you won't make it out alive and tell no one about any of this. Do you understand."

Flash nods quickly and walks away as fast as possible. 

My dad turns to me and says, "I'm hungry. Let's get food now."

I can't help but chuckle at his calm voice.

I hug him, he in return wraps his arms around me, "thanks," I say against his chest.

Ruffling my hair he laughs and says, "always kid. I'll always protect you, from it all."




A/N- M'tired lmao 

- M xx

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