Can't come

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A/N- Hey guys i just want you all to know i'm always here to talk if you want too. You can talk to me about anything. Also my new book is out if you wanna check it out :)

Summary- Peter's class are going on a trip to the tower. Peter lives there with his Mum, Dad, Aunties and Uncles. But of course no one but Ned and MJ know this. Peter is told he can't go on the trip and has to stay home.

(Peter's P.O.V)

I was sat beside Ned as our teacher Mr Clark was at the front bladdering on about something I already learnt.

"Class listen up. We have a field trip coming up, I want you all to be on your best behaviour," he waits for the chatter to die down before he carries on, "we are going to Avengers tower. Grab a slip on the way back and have it in by tomorrow, we will go on Friday," he says, excitement bursts out across the room once he finishes speaking.

Soon the bell rings and we all stand up to leave, everyone grabbing a slip so they can go to my house.

Ned is in front of me as he grabs a slip, MJ behind me.

As I go to grab a slip Mr Clark speaks up.

"Peter please can you stay here. I need to have a word with you," he says, eyes shining with guilt.

MJ walks out saying a 'see ya loser,' while Ned sends me a sympathetic look and a small wave.

"I'm sorry Peter but I can't let you go on this trip. I am afraid you have missed too many days. You will have to spend the day at home. I'm sorry Peter," he says to me, sounding generally guilty.

I nod my head and say "It's okay Mr Clarke. I understand."

I feel anger bubble inside me, not because I'm 'missing' the trip, because it's just a trip to where I live. But I'm angry because I missed days to help people. To save people. I know no one actually knows it's me beside my family, friends and a few others but it bothers me when I get painted as a bad guy for missing days when in reality I do my best to help people.


I walk into the common room and flop dejectedly onto the sofa.

My dad walks in and sees, he walks up to me and sits beside me.

"What's up bud?" He asks.

I sigh as I sit up.

"We have a trip and it's here, and as much as I would hate it, because I live here. I can't go because I have missed too many days, it just feels like I'm being punished for helping people," I explain.

My dad looks down at me, a sad smile taking over his expression.

"Bambi, don't feel like that. We know the truth. And it's just a lame trip. You can stay here and we can work in the labs all day if that will make you feel better. Plus I need my helper, I can't do much without him really," he says smiling down at me.

My smile grows wide as I hug him repeating thank you over and over again.


I wake up and remember today is the day of the trip, and I'm not going.

I stand up and groggily ask "FRI what's the time?"

She answers immediately with, 'it has just turned 8:30 Peter, I would also like to inform you that Boss would like you to come to the lab after breakfast, so you can work on upgrading the spider suit and the iron man suit.'

I thank her and head into the shower, then throwing on a t-shirt and jeans.


After having my breakfast I get into the elevator and say, "FRI mine and dad's lab please."

She replies with a swift, 'of course,' and then the lift started moving down.

A few seconds later the doors open to reveal the oh so familiar lab, door leading into my lab next door.

My dad's head pops up from his cup of coffee, AC/DC playing quietly in the background.

"Hey kiddo, ready to work on the suits?" he asks.

I nod enthusiastically.


As we worked on the suits my dad said "Petey can you pass me the screwdriver."

I reply with a quick yeah, but decide to annoy him and give him a wrench, as he takes it he looks down at it then looks to me with a look saying, "this isn't a screwdriver."

He hands me the wrench back and I then hand him a hammer.

"PETER. REALLY," he shouts annoyed.

I laugh and start crying I was laughing that hard.

"FR-FRIDAY did yo-you get that," I ask pulling in gulps of breath in between, low on oxygen with how much I laughed.

"You're dead kid," he says, he stands up and starts heading toward me, I start to run and screaming bloody murder.

My dad is still chasing me as I run into the intern labs.

I stop in my tracks though when my class are stood there, wide eyed at me as my dad runs in behind me.

"Mr Parker, I told you to stay home and this is what you do. Break into the tower and have THE Tony Stark chasing you," he turns to my dad as Flash locks eyes with me, amusement in his eyes.

"Mr Stark, I'm sorry for my students disrespectful behaviour."

Flash butts in before anyone can say anything else.

"Penis Parker is about to have his ass handed to him."

My dad turns on Flash and says darkly, "maybe you are."

His suit encases his body as he moves forward toward Flash.

I step in front of him, putting my hand on his shoulder giving him a little push back and my puppy eyes.

"Please stop dad," I say.

Everyone around gasps as they hear me call THE Tony Stark dad.

"No way," I hear Flash whisper under his breath.

"Yes way. And you just insulted him. Tell anyone about this and I'll end you with a snap of my fingers," he turns then directly to Flash and says, "touch my kid or insult him one more time and I swear to Thor I will make fire and hell rain down on you" he says intimidatingly.

Flash gulps and quickly nods his head.

Dad turns to Mr Clark and says "have fun with your tour."

He gives one last glare to everyone before dragging me out of the room.

"Well that was fun," I say sarcastically.

My dad sighs as we enter the lab again getting back to work.

"Can you hand me the wrench please," he asks.

I reply with sure and hand him a screwdriver.





A/N- Well it's short and dumb but oh well

-M xx

Peter Stark field tripsWhere stories live. Discover now