Peter and Shuri

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Summary- Peter goes to the tower as a trip, his dad decided to get Shuri and T'Challa over. They arrive just before Peters school does, let's just say Flash should get ready.

T.W- I mean Flash is just Flash so... and some "LANGUAGE" (Quote by Steve Rogers)

(Peter's P.O.V)

I groan as I sit down on the bus beside Ned, I have to go on this field trip, to my house.

Now I know what you're thinking,

'why would Peter Parker have to go on a trip to his house?'

Well I will tell you why.

You see my name isn't actually Peter Parker, it is really Peter Stark, only my friends, family and some others know this information.

Because I am a Stark I live at the Stark tower, along with my family the avengers, and that is where my class and I are going. To the tower. 

One person who certainly doesn't know any of this crucial information is Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. 

"Oi Puny Parker. Looking forward to being exposed for all your lies. I bet no one even knows you at the tower, let alone an avenger," Flash shouts from the back of the bus to me, all his friends laughing maniacally at his comment. 

Oh yeah.

That's another thing to mention.

As Happy always picks me up from school, it is usually in a fancy car, and people started to stare and comment.

So I only had one choice.


So I told everyone I had an internship at the tower. No one believed/believes me and that just gave more of a reason for Flash to taunt me.

This is now a day to day occurrence, most times getting physical. 

I ignore Flash as we carry on driving toward the tower.

I talk a little to Ned about a new LEGO set I got and some more on star wars.

MJ was just reading her book obviously not really interested in this trip. 

Twenty minutes later, and I see the tower looming above us.

Excitement fills the bus as the teacher tells us to exit the bus in a calm manner.

As I step off the bus I get shoved from behind, sending me flying to the floor.

I feel my knees get cut up and my palms get shredded up but stand up anyway.

Ignoring the looks and pain I carry on walking into the tower. 

As we enter the building everyone swarms the guide, who I notice is Bella, one of my friends that I hangout with here.

All the students back away and she starts handing out badges, when she gets to me she smiles widely, with a glint of mischief sparkling in her eyes and says "oh hey Peter, so you're on this tour," giggling at the end of her sentence. 

I frown as I enter trying to work out what is happening.

"Sadly, yes I am," I reply honestly.

By now everyone is listening as she carries on, "you have your badge right. You know the rules."

I sigh as I fish out my badge from my bag and put it around my neck.

She smiles and carries on, I look around and catch Flash's eyes, sparkling dangerously as he stares me down. 


We are now all in one of the labs when I hear the door open and someone shout "ROADWORK AHEAD," and on instinct I shout back, "UGH I SURE HOPE IT DOES."

Everyone looks to us and jaw drops as I spin around a see Shuri run up to me and pull me into a crushing hug.

"I didn't know you would be here," I mumbke, generally shocked that she was here.

She pulls away and puts her hand on her heart in mock hurt replying with "I can't believe my best friend wouldn't be happy to see me," pouting at the end.

I laugh and say, "of course I'm happy to see you but I just didn't expect to see you."

She laughs in reply and then says, "well someone, wanted me and T'Challa to come and see you."

Straight away I know who she is talking about and sigh. Of course dad would do this. 

Last night I had told everyone there to not come see me or embarrass me, they all reluctantly agreed after my mum Pepper Potts Stark threatened them, and when she is angry you don't want to mess with her.

I saw an evil glint in my dads eyes but brushed it off as he said he had to go make a call. And he must of been calling T'Challa to come because he wasn't there to promise. 

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK PENIS," Flash shouted, stalking toward us.

"How the Hell do you know a princess. Let me guess, charity case is it?" he questions directing the question at Shuri.

I see her eyes darken with anger as she takes a deadly calm step towards Flash.

"What did you just say," she says voice so calm it sends shivers down my spine. 

Flash smiles sweetly and goes "Beautiful, you shouldn't be associated with him. You should be with me, I mean I'm Flash, and way better at everything than Penis over there," he says confidently.

Just as he finishes his sentence T'Challa comes in with Okoye close behind staring daggers at Flash, spear in hand.

Flash is yet to notice as he goes to put a hand on Shuri's shoulder.

Within milliseconds Flash is on the floor with a spear pressing into his throat with Okoye over the top of him.

T'Challa comes up to us and says, "are you two alright, we have seen everything that happened?"

We nod our heads already over it and quoting vines. 

The class ends up getting kicked out leaving me and Shuri to mess about in some labs and annoying everyone. That was actually a very good day. 




A/N- i know this was really really short so i'm super sorry about that. :) sorry

-M xx

Peter Stark field tripsWhere stories live. Discover now