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A/N- I have no ideas.

T.W- Blood, torture.

Summary- When people raid the tower and take Peter, what would the avengers do to get their little spider back.

(Peter's P.O.V)

Today we have to go on a field trip, but something feels off.

It's like when I went to Oscorp, my gut told me something was up.

Now that I have my spidey senses it's even worse, but it's a trip to my home.

What could possibly go wrong. 

"Earth to Peter," Ned says, waving his hand in front of my face. 

I blink repeatedly, everything coming back into focus as I say, "yeah, sorry Ned."

He frowns and looks at me in worry, "what's wrong dude. You completely spaced out."

Sighing I say, "something feels wrong. Like, I don't know something is going to happen," my voice serious, a hint of nervousness in my voice. 

Somehow he seems to perk up as he replies "Oh, is it your Spidey senses," his voice excited, which confuses me as he knows it's serious. 

I quickly look around, worried someone heard.

When I see no one looking at us I look at Ned and say, "really dude. Someone could have heard, and you know how serious this can be."

It seems to click in his mind as he gulps and falls silent, me shortly joining him in the silence, wondering what could unravel. 


When we arrive, the feeling that something is going to go wrong hasn't changed, in fact it's got a whole lot worse.

I can't seem to stem the anxiousness that is slowly growing in the pit of my stomach, brought on by my senses steadily growing. 

As soon as we get off the bus, I fall to the back and pull out my phone. 

Peter: Dad, something is wrong. 

Dad: What do you mean bud. Are you okay? 

Peter: It's just my senses are going crazy. Dad i'm scared, they've never been this strong before. 

Dad: Are you home yet?

Peter: Yeah we're going through security now. 

Dad: I'm on my way. 

Just as his text arrived I knew something horrible was about to happen. 

We are about to walk through the scanners when the guards all walk forward, guns at the ready, all pointed at our class.

They all gasp, shouts erupting from the workers at what is happening. 

"Where are you little Stark. We know you're here," one 'guard' says stepping forward, eyes and gun scanning the crowd. 

Everyone looks around in shock and confusion.

Somehow I know my dad won't be here in time.

I pocket my phone and step forward. 

Everyone gasps louder and I see Flash looked astonished and scared. 

"You're the Stark," The man says, pointing the gun to my head. 

Clenching my fists I nod. Then the gun collides with my head, and I'm falling. 

Then nothing but the darkness. 

(Tony's P.O.V)

'Sir, it appears someone has taken Mini Stark,' FRIDAY says as I ride the elevator down. 

My heart drops and thoughts race through my head as concern takes over.

Just as I am about to call the avengers the elevator doors open and I see the chaos that has erupted, the class all shouting, most crying.

Guards swarming everywhere. 

Stepping out my stern voice cuts through all the noise "where the Hell is my son."

Everyone turns to me, eyes holding sorrow.

I see the blood stain on the floor and feel my heart shatter even more.

How did no one stop them, there are so many people here.

But I don't blame them, I blame myself. 


I watch the video over and over, trying to work out who they are and why they want him.

I walk back down to the lobby, trying to find anything that they left behind.

All the avengers with me.

I spot his class all still sat around, in shock.

'Sir, you have a video sent by an unknown number,' FRIDAY says. 

All the avengers crowd me and I reply, "play it". 

Peter is sat there, chains holding him down.

His eyes aren't open and blood is surrounding him, his head has a huge cut on it and his clothes look dirty and bloody, cuts and bruises covering the majority of his body, with a gun shot wound to his stomach.

I suck in a breath when I see the gun trained on his head. 

"24 hours Stark. 100 million dollars, or the kid gets a bullet in the brain," the man says, I clench my fists as he punches Peter in the face and then the screen falls blank. 

I see the whole class look on in shock, obviously seeing the state of him.

"FRI, you get it," I ask hopefully. 

'Yes boss. Sending coordinates now,' FRIDAY replies. 

I sigh in relief and turn to the class, staring them down.

"This doesn't get out. Understand," I say, my voice venomous. 

They all nod, saying nothing as they see how serious I am. 

(Peter's P.O.V)

Everything hurts. 

Why does it hurt. 

I crack my eyes open as I remember what happened.

Fear races through me as I see and feel the blood all around me. 

I try reaching for my phone, but I can't move as I seem to be chained down. 

A laugh comes from the corner and something is thrown toward me, my phone, it's all broken and mangled.

"I wouldn't even try. And don't worry, your phone is done for," the voice says. 

I whimper slightly as pain shoots through me. 

"Awww is the little Stark not strong enough to deal with a little pain," the man taunts. 

Before I have time to say anything back the door is blown from its hinges.

Iron man stood there. 

"I want my son back," he says. 

I blank out what happens next, just trying to stay conscious.

I look hazily down and see a bullet wound in my stomach.

That would explain the pain. 

"I'm here buddy. You're safe now," my dad says from above me. 

I smile lightly as I'm lifted into his arms, feeling safe and warm. 


The class was still there when we got back, all of them shocked when they saw me.

I just blanked them as I was taken to medical with my dad. 




A/N- This was so utterly bad. I'm sorry. 

- M xx

Peter Stark field tripsWhere stories live. Discover now