Welcome to our show! W-what do you mean you never heard of us? We are the Grimm Troupe, the most famous group of thieves! Our heists are always sucessful. But what if, by some twist of fate, we were to be discovered? Oh why am I even worried, these...
Bakugo was tied to a chair when he regained consciousness. He couldn't see a thing for he was blindfolded.
"Where the fuck am I?" He asked no one in particular. The boys ears perked up when he heard a door open. A deep and soothing voice began to speak.
"Welcome Katsuki Bakugo, my name is Grimm and-" Grimm was interupted by Bakugos sudden yelling.
"LET ME GO OR I'LL FUCKING MURDER YOU!!" Bakugo tried to use his explosions to back up his threat only to realize he couldn't even create a small pop. "THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?! WHY CAN'T I USE MY QUIRK?!" He yelled in an even bigger fit of rage, needless to say, he was pissed.
Grimm spoke up, once again. "My, my it seems this'll take longer than I anticipated. Oh well, we are sure to calm that temper of yours." The black haired man said, unimpressed by the explosive kids threat.
Bakugo the heard another set of feet enter the room. These sounded like they belonged to a woman and just as he finished the thought a high voice echoed through the walls.
"So Grimm, should I remove the blindfold? It wouldn't be fair to keep him in the dark any longer." Divine said/asked.
After a few minutes Bakugo heard the womans footsteps come closer to him. Grimm seemingly didn't speak but rather noded as he felt the blindfold being removed. Light flooded his eyes and it took him a while to adjust to the sudden brightness. Once he could get a clear view of his souroundings and captors. he realized he was in....a..classroom? This sure confused him.
Bakugo P.o.V (bet you didn't see that one, did ya?)
"Why the fuck would I get kidnapped only to be put in a classroom? These goddamn villains don't make ANY sense!" I thought. Then I realized something, their clothes..looked stupid.
"Hey why do you shitheads wear stuff like this? Like was it on fucking sale? I asked, in a mocking tone. Then the lady in the weird dress spoke up.
"That's not the way to talk to your teachers, is it? We really need to work on your behavior and -blah bah blah.." I kinda zoned her out after that...wait did she say techers? What the fuck does she mean by that?
"Oi weird eyes , why did dress lady over there say teachers?" I asked, looking into his, I have to admit, creepy eyes.
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(That's what Grimms eyes look like, may I remind you. Again picture not by me, cedit goes to the original artist)
3rd person P.o.V
It didn't even take three secinds for Grimm to respond.
"Divine meant what she said. We will teach you some manners as your language and behavior are not fitting for a hero. That includes your attitude as well." The black haired man awnsered.
Bakugo was taken aback, never had anyone told him this. His eyes practically burned with rage, he was fuming. You could've mistaken him for a wild animal. The boy then felt a strong elctical shock and looked upt to see Divine with a Taser.
"Everytime you misbehave you will get a shock, my dear." The lady said said. This enraged Bakugo even more, he was about to destroy the chair he sat in, even without his quirk. Again the boy was met with a shock but this one was a lot stronger. After a while of Bakugo yelling insults at Grimm and Divine and getting shocked for each of them, his first day in captivity ended.
*Timeskip to about two weeks later, brought to you by me being too lazy and uncreative to write the lessons*
3rd person P.o.V
Today was the day. After two intense weeks of being taught manners and being shocked for misbehavior, Bakugo seemed like a completely different person. Not angry 24/7 but rather calm. Grimm and Divine couldn't believe how fast the, once so easily enraged, boy had dropped his habits. In fact, they were so surprised that they decided he was ready to go back to UA, so they called for Grimmchild and Bakugo.
"Bakugo, you have impressed me and Divine as well. You old habits have almost completely disappeared, so we will allow you to return to UA and continue your education to be a hero. We hope you will suceed." Grimm said, his voice sounding deep and proud.
"Indeed boy. We can't let you go alone however, which is why Grimmchild here will accompany you to UA. I wish you the best of luck there." Divine spoke, while Grimmchild only nodded.
*Timeskip to when they are ready to leave*
Grimmchild wore more casual clothes, since his normal outfit would make him stick out. He wore a simple red hoddie, black jeans, a red and black beanie to hide his "horns" and black trainers. The younger boy wore fake contacts as well, to hide his completely red eyes.
Grimmschild opened the door of the hideout to reveal a dark allyway. He motioned Bakugo to follow him, and so he did. The walk to the hero school was rather uneventful. A stray cat here, a lot of cars there, nothing out of the ordinary. Soon they stood in front of the famous schools gate. Bakugo and Grimmchild were about to enter when they heard a booming voice. A voice even the greatest idiot would recognize
-End of Chapter
Word Count: 906 (kinda proud of that honestly)
Yay I finally got myself back from the sea of laziness and wrote a new chapter, hope you like it. If you find any mistakes or have suggestions, leave them in the comments. Is there anything else? *looks through cards* Oh yes, thank you for reading this chapter and see you in the next, until then