Welcome to our show! W-what do you mean you never heard of us? We are the Grimm Troupe, the most famous group of thieves! Our heists are always sucessful. But what if, by some twist of fate, we were to be discovered? Oh why am I even worried, these...
It's been a quiet night, almost no villains were on the streets. It was a night pros always dreamt about. No work, just an evening of lovely free time. This in turn meant there were less heroes on patrol. It was like a silent truce between both sides, one heroine however remained vigilant. Her red, silken cloak was flowing in the air, her weapon shone in the moonlight. And her mask, white as snow, showed absolutely no emotion. Her name? Hornet.
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She had always been a special pro. She was knwon to the public as the masked whirlwind or the red acrobat. Hornet wasn't the kind of hero to hog the spotlight, she even refused the payment from the government. The womans only desire was to protect the people. Yes she had to take a second job in order to pay her bills, but she didn't mind. Anyway, shewas on patrol, jumping from roof to roof with such grace, it would have marveled anyone who saw her. This was how she recieved the name "Red Acrobat". The others may have been fooled by the calmness which laced the air but she?She knew something was going to happen, she just felt it.
As if on cue, she heard a shrill scream. It sounded like a little girl. She quickly jumped towards the source of the noise, only to be met with a disgusting sight. There stood a tall slim male, holding a girl, not older than 4, in his long arms and a woman, probably the mother watched in shock. His mask, which portraid an upside down smile was at the side of his head, revealing a sharp set of teeth in his open mouth. The mans eyes, which were slightly covered by his long black hair ,had a look of insanity in them. Truly this male must have expirienced something terrible.
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Hornet still kept hidden, wanting to see what would happen. She forced herself to look as the villain coveredthe girls motuh with his hand. She listened as he opened his mouth.
"shh, shh, shhh little girl, why do you scream? I am your friend, aren't I? Friends help eachother and right now, I am feeling hungry!" His raspy, high voice rang through the air.
He began to open his mouth, ready to devour the girl, when something sharp grazed his cheek. Out of surprise he let go ofthe child, who immidiatly ran to her mother.
"WHY?! WHO DID THID?! SHOW YOURSELF!" The man screamed, wanting to know who ruined his dinner. Hornet decided to finally reveal herself.
"That would be me, you vile creature." She stated calmly, while hoping down from theroofshe was on, gracefully swinging around with her thread.
"HOW DARE YOU! This girl would've made an excellent meal! Not too plump and not too thin either. She would've been perfect.....I'll kill you! I'll kill you and then I'll eat you! You will be Nosks meal tonight! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" It was clear that he was mental. Nothing had ever been more obvious.
"Madame get out of here, I will take care of this monster." Hornet said calmly, while drawing her weapon.
Nosk didn't say another word, he rushed at Hornet blindly, slashing at her with his claw-like fingers. The heroine quickly jumped out of the way, while throwing her weapon, which was now equiped with a sturdy, yet almost invisble thread. She didn't wish to hurt Nosk. Only to wrap him up and bring him to the police, so he can recieve treatment. Nosk on the other hand, well he made it clear that he wanted blood. He was so focused on the fight, he didn't even notice as Hornet cleverly wrapped him up.
"Well Nosk, it seems that have lost. All wrapped up in my thread, no more chances for you to attack." Hornet said, again with little emotion.
Nosk only began to chuckle, it was silent at first but soon grew into a laughter worthy of a maniac like him. "HAHAHAHAHAHA You think you've won? Hahaha don't make me laugh!" The males eyes began to glow and his cheeks puffed out. He spit out an orange liquid only for Hornet to barely dodge it. Yes, it was so close, Nosk managed to burn part of her cloak. Hornet proceeded to wrap up his mouth, for her thread was resistant to acid.
After dropping him off at the police station Hornet jumped back to her apartment. She stripped off her hero clothes and jumped into some comfy pinkish red pajamas, only to fall asleep on her bed just seconds later.
Word Count: 795 Words
I know this isn't an actual chapter but please take this filler while I think about what to write next. If you liked it, I could write more fillers, involving Hornet, the Knight and Hollow Knight enemies as villains. Anyway, till the next actual chapter!