Not as planned

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Grimmchild POV

Well...I didn't expect this. All Might, the number 1 hero, is standing right in front of me. "Thank you boy for finding young Bakugo!" his loud voice booms. I'm shocked, I don't know what to do, this isn't how it was planned to turn out! Wait, All Might is talking to me, ok focus, you've got this!

"Though I must ask, where did you find him? We've searched everywhere!" He asked me. Alright, I just have to make something up!

"I found him in an alleyway, he was knocked out but I recognised him and thought it was a good idea to bring him here." I hope he believes it...

"Ah I see, thank you young....What IS your name actually?" Oh gosh, what do I tell him?! I don't know, we never thought of this scenario! 

I thank all my lucky stars that Katsuki started to talk. "His name is Gakuto." So, now I am Gakuto? I guess that's fine.

"Alright, thank you, young Bakugo. Thank you as well young Gakuto!" The pro said. I simply relpied with a "No problem, have a nice day." and left. Just as I was about to turn on my heel, a sudden gust of wind blew away my beanie. Great, just great, I hope he doesn't notice. Again, luck seemed to be on my side because All Might just turned around and left with Katsuki in tow. 

I let out a breath, which I didn't realize I held in. Now it's time to go back home, I thought to myself as I started to walk. I reached home without further complications.

Unbeknownst to Grimmchild and the rest of the Grimm Troupe however, All Might was standing in Nezus office, wanting to talk about the strange boy, who had brought their student back to them.

At UA, 3rd person POV

"Are you really  sure ?" the rodent-like principal of UA asked.

"Yes I am. That kid that brought young Bakugo here today is part of the Grimm Troupe."

End of Chapter

Word Count: 333 Words

I finally managed to get another chapter done. I'm sorry it's short but it's the best I could do. I want to mention that the next few weeks are going to be busy for me so I can't gurantee quick updates. Thanks for being patient though. Anyway, You know the drill, if you find mistakes or have suggestions comment them and I'll try to take all of them into account.  Until the next Chapter


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