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"Well can't wait to work with you, Chamberlain," I say, nagging her as we leave Sergeant's office.

She rolls her eyes, I admit I loved seeing her do that, made me want to nag her more.

"This is serious, Ethan. No goofing around, we need to work together, and I think as long as you follow my lead, we will be okay," she says to me.

"Woah hold on, you think I'm just going to follow your orders and like a little puppy?," I say moving closer to her, "Like you said we work together, which means I have a say. If he wanted just you on the case, he would've said so." At this point our bodies were almost touching.

She smirks, looking up at me, "Wow, it's nice to see you stand up for yourself," she turns around and starts walking to her office, "We have work to do, we don't have a lot right now, but we should probably start with the wife of the doctor. We are going to talk to her, we need gather up as much information on the victim and her. We won't have an autopsy for a minute."

I follow her to the car to go to the Davis', leaving me no choose but to follow her around like a puppy.


The car ride to the late, Dr. Davis' house was fairly silent.

Emma interrupts the silence, "Look, I don't hate you, " I laugh, causing her to give me a glare, she continues, "well I don't."

"You could've fooled me. When's the wedding?" I say trying to make conversation.

"Like you actually care," She replies.

"I do or I wouldn't be asking."

She sighs, "I don't know yet. We haven't had a lot of time to talk about it."

She looked sad and sounded disappointed, I decided I wasn't going to bother her more about it.

"So Gray and Charlotte over...weird."

"It sucks, I really liked her, she was considered only one of my girl friends. I probably won't hear from at all now," she says.

"He deserves better anyway, plus he was so IA from my life, I think he needs major recovering and bro time."

She scoffs, "Bro time? Are you gonna set up a play date?"

I let out a laugh, those witty remarks were going to get her in trouble one day.

We pull up to a large home, definitely a doctor's house. As we make our way to the door, Emma abruptly stops and turns to me, "Okay, she just lost her husband. She's sensitive and I think it's best I do the talking, so just try to be quiet,"

I didn't say anything, but I was going to do everything but be quiet.

𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 | ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now