I'm Taking a Break

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Hey, guys! School has been keeping me really busy with all my honors classes and having theater after school. Because of this, the story is going to be on a break for a while. Just because I love this story and, at the moment I don't feel like I can give it the attention it deserves. This also means the Rowaelin fanfic I promised is going to have to wait a while or, at least until I have more free time to devote to all these stories. I hope you guys all understand, I probably won't post again till around December or January. If you have questions feel free to comment. Thank you all for understanding. I just feel like I just need To focus on school and my acting at the moment. Thank you all for understanding, I'll let you know when I'm back! See you soon!

All the updates till the next part will be on instagram: stephnoodle8904

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