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Book :- Stalker by Antessia

Reviewed by :- Synonymous_Boost

Grammatical construction :- 09

It really needs to be improved.

Grammatical errors :- 08

The book contains a lot of grammatical errors. The sentences need to be reread before posting.

Easily understood :- 10

The plot and the characters are very well described which makes it easy to understand.

Use of vocabulary :- 09

Easy words are used in the story so, some more convincing words could have been used to make it plot more interesting.

Use of punctuation marks :- 07

Punctuation marks and paragraph changing really needs to be reviewed. There are several places where people's sayings are just written without any double inverted comma. Please improve that.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book :- 10

Well, this book is about Roger following Alice everywhere like a shadow so, this title sure suits the book.

Lessons gained :- 09

Well, until now, one could only learn about not to let the fears win on our conscience. Also, we get to know that by sharing our problems with our loved ones is very important for our safety. We get to learn that people carry different faces and we should not let ourselves trusting them with everything without knowing them that good.

Character sketching :- 08

Well, no other character was shown in light except Alice so, it's hard to gasp the idea of character development.

Alice did learn that she should not trust people that easily. She also learnt that if our trust do break because of someone, it doesn't mean that everyone is meant to break us. She did learn to live without fear of being watched by Roger.

In total I just want to say that this book is good but please make some improvements regarding punctuation marks, paragraph changing and grammatical errors and this book will be great job to read.

Score: 70/80

Thank you.

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