Chapter 3

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1:00 PM OMG I slept all night and the whole morning. Why did I dream about the days that were good with him? There are more 'not good' days. the years after that was good, not special but good just the same routine as Always.

work, eat, sleep at James's place. Eat, work, sleep at James' place. Just the same thing every day. It felt safe maybe that's why it went on for four years until the bomb burst. We went to the birthday party of Jessica, Everything was good until this girl came to me. 

 So you are Rose huh'. I looked at her and said 'yes that's me'.

' well, you can have your boyfriend back he sucks! these last four years sucked! now I know why he couldn't be around all the time he was with you! except when you were working at the coffee bar then it was Mariah time! Well, I'm done! You can have him.' ' I don't even know why I stayed with him al this time !'

I felt my eyes burning it felt like this girl just stabbed a knife into my heart not once not twice but thirty times.! I didn't know what to say. I felt betrayed well he cheated on me what in the world should I do? I walked towards James while I'm holding back the tears. ' James what is this? why?' the only thing he said was ' I'm sorry babe' ' how can I make it up to you?'. I just started crying I knew that the relationship was getting boring but I didn't know that he was cheating on me the whole time we were in a relationship. ' you can't make it up to me! don't call me or even try to call me I'm done!'.

I run towards the stairs that lead to the first floor. then I ran upstairs and stormed into Jessica's room. I'm glad to see that the room is empty and I just broke down crying, lying on the cold floor. Then I heard the door open. It was Jessica she heard it all downstairs and saw everything happen in front of her. she walked towards me and sat down next to me.  I will ruin his life for doing this to you' I can't say anything I just start crying even harder. After what seems hours I stopped crying and started talking to Jessica. I just wanted to know why? why me? Jessica said she talked to the girl after I ran upstairs. ' I talked to the girl outside she was crying to'. As if I cared my heart just got broken by her and that stupid James. ' she told me that James got to know her at the same time as you did and that she didn't know about you until he told her about you tonight at this party'. He did what ! she sees my big eyes and without me saying anything she continued ' the girl is done with him too he said to her he had to broke up with her because you told him to'. then I couldn't take it anymore and screamed ' HE DID WHAT'.  Before she could say anything I jumped up pulled the door open and ran downstairs. I'm searching for James and there he is right by the door. I walked to the door ( well more like running) and said 'James you think you could cheat on two girls and then use me as an excuse, not on my watch!' and push him so hard that he fell hard and broke the little table behind him next to the door. What was I thinking? I never pushed someone before, never yelled at anyone. This guy just used me why didn't I see that. Jessica stood behind me pulls me at my arm and said 'it is okay Rose you can stay in my room tonight get some rest I will send everyone home I'm done with this party'. Now I feel even worse not only my heart got broken but my best friend's party is over just because of this bullshit. 'i'm...i'm so sorry Jessica I don't'. then she puts her hand on my mouth. 'It's okay Rosey it is his fault, not yours and I'm tired anyway'. I'm tired so I don't say anything and walk towards her room.

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