Chapter 10

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Today is my first day at my new school. I didn't sleep I was way too nervous, I have to double-check my bag and then I can go to school. I walk towards school and as I come closer is see that the building is super big. I got my class schedule on my mail and I see I have to be on the third floor, room number 300. Luckily I can take the elevator when I'm on the third I have to walk five minutes and then I see my classroom. It is full of people now I'm getting even more nervous. I walk into the classroom and I see one row is empty I'm going to sit there. After five minutes a young man walks towards me and sits down next to me. ' hey, ik ben Mark en jij bent?' oh oh, I don't know dutch yet. ' Hey I'm Rose I don't speak dutch.. sorry your name is marked?' he smiles at me and says ' sorry Rose it's really nice to meet you and yes I am Mark'. I smile back he is nice, I did not think someone would talk to me today. The whole day is boring we got six classes today! when we are done its already 4:00 PM. Mark walks with me and says ' If you want I'm Having a little party at my place tonight you are invited'. I don't know it the first time I see him and I'm already invited to a party. ' i know it's the first time we hang out but it will be fun and if your drunk you can stay at my place, girls cant walk alone here at night'. Is he some sort of mind reader this is crazy, ' Okay I will be there, can you text me the address and the time?'. He laughs and says ' No no i will pick you up and then we will go to my place,'. hmm okay ' okay at what time?', You can see him thinking about the time ' i will pick you up at 8 '

' okay I will see you then bye mark!' I smile, he smiles and says ' Bye Rose see you soon!'. Maybe I shouldn't go, I don't even know him that well. But if I go I can make new friends here...

I'm wearing my new little black dress tonight with the stiletto's, I hope I don't fall or something. After I put on some make up the doorbell rings that is Mark! I grab my coat and bag and walk to the door. I open the door and Mark looks amazing! ' Hey, Rose lets go'. I close the door and walk to his car ' nice car Mark' he smiles ' thanks Rose'. He drives an Audi A1 it's a beautiful car, in five minutes we are at his place. We walk inside his house and it's full of people! ' you leave everyone here while you leave?' he smiles ' Yes I do they are my friends I trust them'. The only one I trust is my mom and Jessica, Mark trust a lot of people then. His apartment is nice it looks a lot like James his apartment. Mark takes me by the hand and leads me to his bar in the kitchen, ' So what would you like to drink Rose'? I look around and see a bottle of chardonnay ' um a glass of chardonnay please' he smiles ' Good choice'. I take a sip of the ice-cold chardonnay, he is right it is a very good choice. I look around the room and I see a lot of people, in the corner I see a guy he is very handsome. He wears jeans and a black shirt his arms has tattoo sleeves its attractive. Rose since when do you like tattoos? I turn back around and Mark is standing in front of me.' Oh, you like to watch Liam huh?', I feel my whole face is turning red ' W-what do you mean?' he laughs ' You can't fool me, I saw you checking out Liam, you know the guy with the tattoos'. Mark is holding back his smile ' Okay Okay I was looking at him, but I was looking at everyone, this room is full of people'.

' Sure Rose' he says with the biggest smile I have ever seen. Whatever... I see my glass is empty but Mark noticed it too and refilled my glass. ' Thanks Mark' he smiles ' i will be right back Rose five minutes' i nod. I smell a men's perfume it's so strong but sweet at the same time, I look beside me and there he is Liam. ' Hey, I am Liam nice to meet you' huh how does he know I don't speak dutch? ' Hey, I am Rose nice to meet you to'. He smiles again he has a great smile I get nervous about him, I'm impressed by him and I don't know why. ' I'm from Texas you?' o that's why he speaks English ' I'm from LA' i smile. ' You have a beautiful smile' now I'm turning red again, ' Thanks, you too' did I just flirt back o my god no more wine for me. ' I saw you were looking at me?', can it be even more direct? ' I was just looking at everyone in the room, there are a lot of people here'. He looks at me with a sultry look ' Well I looked at you and you are sexy, Why are you here you should be a model or something'. I'm looking at him and say ' w-well I'm here for my education', he looks so tempting its getting hot in here. ' hmm, what " education" exactly?. Just stop looking at me Liam it's too much ' Art ' is the only thing I can say. ' hmm art, you are too hot for such a boring study'. What can I say about that it's not true? ' Well thank you for the compliment but no it is not boring at all'. He smiles ' Well I think it's boring', what a child ' okay I have to find Mark thanks for the talk Liam'. He nods and walks away, at the beginning I thought he was cute but he is a big child.

Mark walks into the kitchen smiling ' and ? how was he?'. I knew Mark had arranged it ' Well he is a big child' Mark laughs ' I know ahahaha'. He knew it o my god ' well thanks for the heads up Mark haha', He looks at me and says ' Sorry Rose my brother is a loser'. He... What... ' OMG I'm so sorry Mark '. He takes a sip of his chardonnay and spits everything on his kitchen counter ' HAHAHAHAHA'. I laugh too.

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