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"Nina, Nina, Nina," Chris grinned, wrapping his arms around Nina in a hug, his, probably way too expensive, cologne engulfing her, "You look lovely, darling."

"Thank you, old man. Looking quite nice yourself." Nina grinned up at the 54-year-old man.

"Flynn! My boy!" Chris hugged Flynn who stood beside his best friend, eyeing those around.

"It's been too long, hasn't it?" Flynn smiled at Chris, "Stopped that yoga class, didn't you?"

Chris groaned, waving Flynn off, "Instructor was rubbish. Rubbish I tell you."

"Oh, Rick isn't that bad." Flynn laughed, smoothly snatching a drink from a passing waiter.

"The worst!" Chris huffed before shaking his head, "Come on, come on! There are people I want you to meet."

Walking behind Chris, Nina's eyes observed the people who were in their own worlds, walking to a more secluded part of the club till she saw a door with a red "VIP" sign on it. Of course. Nodding politely to the bouncer, Nina and Flynn followed Chris inside and almost as if they entered a different club, they were met with the sight of what Nina liked to call "the elite".

"Oh, Nina, darling, you look beautiful." She was instantly embraced by Chris's wife, Nora.

"Nora, look at you!" Nina gasped, holding the woman at an arm's length, "You look like a goddess."

"Oh, stop it," Nora giggled, smiling up at her husband, "Told you she's my favourite."

"If only she wasn't so stubborn." Chris joked.

Nina only laughed and rolled her eyes, giving him a look.

"Come on, Anna wanted to thank you for the shoot."

Nina's eyes widened in surprise, "Anna who? Anna Wintour?"

Chris smiled, offering his arm to Nina, "The one and only."

"That's my cue." Flynn smirked, blowing a kiss to his best friend, "Allow me to get knackered."

"Knock yourself out." She chuckled before walking with Chris.
On a white leather sofa and among many big faces, sat Anna Wintour conversing with the man Nina had seen quite a lot; his long hair down, a hat on his head and in red, Alessandro Michele.

"Anna, this is the photographer I told you about. Nina Maye Brown." Chris grinned.

"Hello, pleasure to finally meet you, Nina." Anna stood, offering her hand to the young woman who gladly accepted.

"Pleasure is all mine. Thank you for the opportunity." Nina smiled politely.

"You're very talented. I still remember the first issue you shot for us two years ago. It was a December issue."

Nina smiled in surprise, her eyebrows going up, "Oh, wow, you remember," She smiled, "That shoot was definitely a win-win."

"I hope this one is as well." Anna gave Nina a smile, "Please enjoy. You deserve it."

"Thank you." She smiler gratefully, putting a hand to her heart before she looked at the rest of those sitting, giving them a nod and a smile before looking back at Anna, "If you could excuse me."

"Of course."

Chris smiled at Anna before guiding Nina towards a table, "I want you to meet some people then you're free to go. I promise." He giggled.

"Really want to dance."

"Hold your moves." He said, grinning at a man who stood at a table along with a group, "Jeff."

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