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guess who's shooting harry styles' gucci campaign
that's right
yours truly


i thought about what you said
and yeah, that was really it

I'm sure you'll have a great time!
That's amazing, you should celebrate

i think you're excited enough to celebrate as well hahah

Hahahaha I am actually
I mean, it's Gucci we're talking about
and Harry Styles seems like an alright lad

more than just "alright" but he is
i'll go sign the contract now and i'll come back

Good luck, Nini!!!

outfit of the day: (you're free to imagine any other outfit you want)

outfit of the day: (you're free to imagine any other outfit you want)

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"Gives you the perfect opportunity to get to know Harry, he's a wonderful young man. You'd have the time of your life with him on tour." Chris grinned as he watched Nina sign the last paper before leaning back in her chair, giving the man a bemused smile.

"Why are you so eager?"

Chris gave her a shrug, leaning back in his own chair behind the desk. "I know you too well, kid. I know how this might work out amazingly for you."

"I trust you, Chris," Nina stood up, "I-"

Chris held his finger up with a small smile when his telephone rang, picking up, "Yes? Oh, right, right! Send them right in. Thank you."

"Better go before your guest arrives, busy man." Nina wore her mini backpack.

"No, no, I want you to see that one." He gestured, turning with his chair towards the door when a knock sounded, "Come in!"

Nina's breath hitched in her throat, staring at the tall lad who made his presence known, his eyes set on her.

"Nina." Harry almost breathed out softly to himself, lingering by the door.

"Nina!" Another cheerful voice boomed with her name, the accent in it belonging to Alessandro Michele. "Good morning, darling."

Nina smiled, clutching one of her backpack's straps as she greeted Alessandro who pulled her in a short hug, giving her cheek a kiss before moving to greet Chris.
Harry gulped, a smile making its way to his face as he approached Nina, "Good morning, Nina."

Their hug was short, yet comforting. Nina stifled her grin as she smiled up at him, "Good morning."

With his eyes set on her, Harry's attention was only diverted somewhere else when Chris called his name, gesturing towards the sofa.
"Nina, wait a couple more minutes with us, will ya?"

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