[twenty six]

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a/n: I depended on Google as well as some researching for the Tagalog phrases used, please do correct me if I'm wrong (but be gentle I'm soft). I apologise in advance for any mistake I make, know that I don't mean to offend, I just don't speak the language.


There were things Nina hadn't imagine happening; using the small, annoying alarm she had since she was a kid, and waking up in Harry's arms on the sofa of her flat.

Granted, the shrilling sound of her alarm sounded, making not only her but Harry as well, jolt up from their slumber as she sat up and reached towards the table and slammed her hand against it, shutting it.

It took her a moment to realise the warmth radiating from her and behind her, suddenly growing rigid at the feeling of an arm loosely draped on her waist. She looked down, taking notice of the rings-clad hand and the cross tattoo, her heart clenching in her chest before she shot up and turned.

Harry was rubbing his swollen eyes, propping himself up on his elbows. "Nina..."

She shook her head, one hand reaching to pull at her hair for a moment as an attempt to at least pause the throbbing pain in her head. She turned to leave, aiming for her bedroom to freshen up before she ordered a car to drive her to the airport.

"Love, I-"

"You should go." She said, not bothering to turn and look at him.

"Let me come with you." Harry found himself saying as he stood up, looking at her in desperation, all signs and need of sleep disappearing.

Nina frowned, turning to look at him. "You want to come with me to the place I'm going to, to feel better about you lying to me?"

"When you put it that way," he pursed his lips, "It sounds bad, but I mean maybe we can talk it out, Nina."

Nina remained silent for a few moments, looking at the ground instead of the man before her. "No," she decided, "But I'll-I'll call you, meet you, when I'm ready. I just don't think I am yet."

He was grateful for what she said. He still stood a chance.

Harry nodded understandingly, "Yeah, yeah, that's great. Wonderful, even."

Nina nodded slowly, gulping. "I still think you should leave."

"Can I drive you to the airport?" He tested.

"I think I'll manage."

Harry nodded, running one hand through his hair for a second before pointing behind him, "I'll just leave. But Nina, I'm here, one phone call or a text away. Email, even. I'll fly out to you whenever you need, just say the word."

"Harry, can you please just leave because I don't want to be crying so early in the morning?" Nina found herself desperately asking, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

His face softened at her request, feeling nauseous over the fact that it was his presence that made her feel like crying. Her. His Nina. The woman he wrote most of his album about.

If this was a cartoon, Harry was sure that he would have been falling down the ground in an abyss his own mistakes created.

"I'm sorry." He said softly, taking one last look at her before turning and leaving.


"Teka! Teka!" [Wait! Wait!]

Nina stood outside her Lola and Lolo's house [Grandma and Grandpa], a small smile already on her face at the sound of her grandmother.

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