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outfit of the day:

outfit of the day:

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"You need to stop moving to the right, please." Nina tried to be gentle and polite as she repeated her request for what seemed like the 20th time to the model.

"Aren't I supposed to be natural?" Rudely replying, the Chanel model put a hand on his waist.

Taking a step to the side away from her camera's tripod, Nina nodded. "Yes, you're also supposed to not hide your colleague and the design behind you, both on the right."

"Fuck's sake." The model mumbled before striking a pose, "Let's just get this over with."

And as if it was only hard for him not the photographer and everyone on set, Nina still managed to finish her job.
"We're done." She let out a loud sigh, catching the rude model's colleague that gave her a sympathetic smile, Nina making finger gun with her hands and pretending to shoot the male model when his back was turned towards her.

"Nina, your phone." Her assistant for the shoot, Dave, approached her with her phone, the photographer taking it in her hands before smiling.

"Thanks." She quickly said to Dave before walking off and accepting the call. "Hey, rockstar."

"Why hello, gorgeous." Harry replied, a smile evident in his tone, "Am I interrupting your work? You told me you finish at 2 and it's-It's 3."

"I've just finished actually."

"An hour later? Tough day?"

Letting out a small groan of exasperation, Nina replied, "God, you have no idea. Just this one model, Harry, just this one. Un-fucking-believable." She held a hand to her heart as Dave approached her with her camera bag, telling her he packed her stuff in it, "Thank you." She mouthed.

"I'm sorry you had a bad day, love. Do you have any other plans?"

Nina hummed, "I'm having dinner at Pam's, one of my friends."

"Don't think I've heard of any Pams. Is this a school friend? You excited?" Harry asked.

"We met at this summer camp my parents made me go to when I was, what? 12?" Nina talked as she gathered her stuff, "I'm excited. Haven't seen her since May, she was an intern somewhere in LA."

Harry hummed, "That's amazing, baby."

Nina's cheeks instantly heated up at the pet name, smiling to herself as she stood straight, clutching the phone tightly in her hand, her heart fluttering. "What about you? How's Scotland?"

"It's amazing in here. We're still filming though."

"Still not going to tell me what all of this is about?"

"Nope," Harry answered with a chuckle, "Absolutely not."

"I'll send you," Looking around her, Nina cupped her hand around her phone close to her mouth as she whispered, "A picture."

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